I already watched the second episode of #TheFireHunter and what can I say, it looks like they were already short on time and/or budget during its making 😬 It’s been a while since I saw any #anime use so many obvious tricks to avoid animating stuff (close-ups, stills, showing footage of the setting while characters talk) and then the one fight was still not looking good 😰
#Anime first impressions: #TheFireHunter has an interesting world to be set in and the most realistic looking (and acting!) dog I’ve seen in anime like ever. Not sure what the story is going to be like and how the two main characters will come together, so I’ll wait for more. Somehow this only reminds me of anime that started great and ended as a major disappointment, so fingers crossed.
#anime #thefirehunter #hikarinoou #jitschsnewanime #2023anime
non è che ci abbia capito ancora molto di #theFireHunter ma l'ED di #MaayaSakamoto mi gusta assai https://youtu.be/87xjv1Z4k40 #anime
#thefirehunter #maayasakamoto #anime
"The Fire Hunter" - episode 2
I'm sensing that they run out of budget halfway.
I've only seen one episode but I'm already reasonably sure that #TheFireHunter is my anime of the season. The animation is great and the setting is really fascinating!
Between #TheFireHunter, #KainaOfTheGreatSnowSea and #GiantBeastsofArs this is turning out to be a pretty cool #anime season for Fantasy
#thefirehunter #kainaofthegreatsnowsea #giantbeastsofars #anime
That is too many. Some will drop. Replies will contain thoughts as I work through.
#sugarapplefairytale #buddydaddies #endoandkobayashilive #adventurerswhodontbelieveinhumanity #thefirehunter #uniteup #theangelnextdoorspoilsmerotten #highcard #winteranime2023 #anime
It's entirely possible I've gotten some of those names wrong...
#themagicalrevolutionofthereincarnated #kainaofthegreatsnowsea #onimai #revenger #technoroid #tomochanisagirl #sugarapplefairytale #buddydaddies #endoandkobayashilive #adventurerswhodontbelieveinhumanity #thefirehunter #uniteup