Watching #CaptainAmerica #TheFirstAvenger in bed to celebrate Murica Day.
#captainamerica #thefirstavenger
Captain America is constantly used to argue that it's righteous to punch Nazis etc. To disallow racists from speaking freely etc. That we good people should get to decide who doesn't deserve due process. But this scene from #TheFirstAvenger speaks for me.
Abraham Erskine : Do you want to kill Nazis?
Steve Rogers : Is this a test?
Abraham Erskine : Yes.
Steve Rogers : I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from.
#thefirstavenger #independenceday
Ich schau gerade die nĂ€chste Folge von #Citadel auf #PrimeVideo. Ich liebe die deutsche Synchronstimme von #StanleyTucci. Auch in #Transformers und #TheFirstAvenger ist mir das schon aufgefallen đ€
#Citadel #PrimeVideo #stanleytucci #transformers #thefirstavenger