@bagpipos and I escaped the heat in favour of some aircon and saw the amazing The First Slam Dunk. Definitely one of the best of the year, go see it on a big screen!
🎦 🏀 The First Slam Dunk (🎥 Takehiko Inoue).
J'avais dit beaucoup de bien du manga découvert en début d'année. Le film, réalisé par le créateur du manga, est très bon aussi. Une animation à laquelle il faut se faire, une forme incroyable lors des phases de match.
Bon choix d'angle narratif en s'attardant sur un personnage "secondaire", tout en réussissant avec les contraintes du format à raconter les bases des identités des autres.
#movies #film #cinema #thefirstslamdunk
Le recensioni di #Cocomerochan e #Mandarinokun!
🍉: «È bruttissimo, non mi è piaciuto niente, NIENTE, tutto sangue, sono tutti cattivi e dicono le cose brutte. Perché si menano? Non va bene menarsi. Mi piace il rock, ma la canzone rock alla fine è brutta. Tutto bruttissimo, babbo perché mi fai vedere i film brutti? Basta! [piange] A casa voglio vedere gli unicorni di mare su Da-Dan. Ah, e voglio giocare a basket, sììì!!!»
🍊: «Super fichissimo, corrono tutti, tanta energia».
#cocomerochan #Mandarinokun #thefirstslamdunk
The First Slam Dunk (Inoue Takehiko, 2022) has finished its run in Japanese theaters after 272 days, earning a stellar 15,7 billion yen (domestically)
#thefirstslamdunk #Japan #SlamDunk #Cinema #Movies #Film #Anime
#anime #film #movies #cinema #slamdunk #japan #thefirstslamdunk
A rivedere “#TheFirstSlamDunk” all’ultimo spettacolo nell’ultimo giorno di proiezione. (@ AEON Cinema in Okayama, 岡山県) https://www.swarmapp.com/mariop9825452/checkin/64f07ac18e9d7018c6a731a8?s=OM-5N1QclgoWMg2sZZyyJd1P7K0
Por fin pude ver la película, la había esperado mucho y para mi suerte en Chile la dejaron por 3 semanas. Slam Dunk es uno de mis animes favoritos y merecía que animaran su arco final y la animación de este último partido fue increíble. Literalmente habían personas gritando con las jugadas en la sala en la que estuve y suspirando cuando no caían los tiros, lo que habla de la perfecta animación que tuvo. Me gustó la historia de Ryota y que le hayan dado un nuevo trasfondo al personaje. #thefirstslamdunk #slamdunk #películas #cine
#thefirstslamdunk #slamdunk #peliculas #cine
I saw #TheFirstSlamDunk tonight and it was honestly so good, and I know shit all about SD. Dinner after was pretty decent too (pic in replies)
#SumimasenTurbo n°7 : Armored Core 6, The First Slam Dunk et Gran Turismo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U59RJaPfq4E
#ArmoredCore | #ArmoredCore6
#SlamDunk | #TheFirstSlamDunk
#JeuVidéo | #Cinéma | #Japon
#sumimasenturbo #armoredcore #armoredcore6 #slamdunk #thefirstslamdunk #granturismo #jeuvidéo #cinéma #japon
He salido corriendo y dribleando ⛹️♂️
#SLAMDUNK es el #Spokon de mi vida!
#slamdunk #spokon #slamdunkmovie #thefirstslamdunk
He is so brocon coded😭😭😭✨♥︎✨♥︎✨♥︎✨ #thefirstslamdunk #ソーリョ dont know the english tag for sota x ryota content👉👈
I highly recommend the movie “The First Slam Dunk” which had me on the edge of my seat with excitement and emotions. I’m not even a basketball fan! If the #manga and #anime series are even half as good, I understand why #Suga talks about them all the time! I’m so happy for the serendipity of wanting to see a movie on a particular day, it being one of the options, and having heard of it from Suga’s Weverse Live #TheFirstSlamDunk
#manga #anime #suga #thefirstslamdunk
Tässä yksi tyytyväinen fanboy The first slam dunk elokuvan jälkeen. Kiitos Takehiko Inoue❤ Miulla ei löydy sanoja miten mestarillisen tekeleen teit.😍😍 5/5 suositukseni! Hyvää viikonloppua kaikki! #thefirstslamdunk #Thefirstslamdunksuomi #leffahommat #leffamastodon #viikonloppu
#viikonloppu #leffamastodon #leffahommat #thefirstslamdunksuomi #thefirstslamdunk
Voitte varmasti kuvitella kuinka vakavasti otan fanboyna slam dunkin Suomen ensi-illan. Tämä itsetehty cosplay paita päällä mennään huomenna Suomen ensi-iltaan. Shōhoku:
ファイト! #THEFIRSTSLAMDUNK #fanihommat #anime #manga
#manga #anime #fanihommat #thefirstslamdunk
Huomenna on Slam dunk päivä!! 😍😍😍 #thefirstslamdunk #leffamastodon
#leffamastodon #thefirstslamdunk
The First Slam Dunk y Retrato de una mujer en llamas se estrenan en INSOMNIA.
· Este jueves 3 de agosto a las 19:15 hrs. se estrena “Retrato de una mujer en llamas” de la directora
#Cine #INSOMNIA #RetratoDeUnaMujerEnLlamas #TeatroCondell #TheFirstSlamDunk
#cine #insomnia #retratodeunamujerenllamas #teatrocondell #thefirstslamdunk
#TheFirstSlamDunk was *so* good. You definitely don’t need to have watched the original anime series or read the manga to enjoy the film. I'm also happy to say that the young Miyagi Ryota was voiced by Shimabukuro Mayuri (Carole, from one of my most favorite anime “Carole & Tuesday”) who is from Okinawa. I also noticed a lot of other voice actors from Okinawa in the credits. Kudos to Inoue Takehiko! Now that he's directed this film, I really, really want him to do "Vagabond" too.
Takehiko Inoue:
“Hola México! ¡¿Como están?!
Quiero agradecerles a todos por apoyar a Slam Dunk.
Estoy muy emocionado de ver que THE FIRST SLAM DUNK se estrena hoy en México!
#thefirstslamdunk #slamdunkmovie