After 12 years, the final (625th) #Poem at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "Something #Fishy" by #JHJohns:
#poem #crime #poetry #thefivetwo #fishy #jhjohns
The site lost a news outlet when I left #Twitter, but I couldn't stay in good conscience. Everything has a natural lifespan. It's better to end at the right time than force things simply to keep going. I look forward to new opportunities. #TheFiveTwo
I haven't received enough submissions to continue my #Poetry site's #Poem of the Week for a thirteenth year. Closed to poetry, the blog is open to posts promoting poetry. Thanks for your support over the years. #TheFiveTwo
Aug. 28-Sep. 3 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "Queen's Hawker" by #RenaJWorley:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #renajworley
I'm currently deciding whether to commit to a 13th year of 52 #Poems at my weekly #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo. It depends on how many submissions I receive in by August 31. #Guidelines:
#poems #poetry #thefivetwo #guidelines
August 14-20 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "#ThoughtsAndPrayers" by #JenniferLagier:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #thoughtsandprayers #jenniferlagier
My #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo needs two #Poems to finish its 12th year. If I receive much more than two poems, I'll continue the site into Year 13. #Writers' #Guidelines:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #poems #writers #guidelines
August 7-13 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "#LA #Nocturne" by #LibbyCudmore: #LosAngeles #TV #TheShield
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #la #nocturne #libbycudmore #losangeles #tv #theshield
July 31-August 6 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "#Ballad of #Menstruation and Crime" by @SylviaFysica:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #ballad #menstruation
July 31-August 6, my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo will run "#Ballad of #Menstruation and Crime" by @SylviaFysica. I still need an increase in submissions to keep the site going for its 13th year starting mid-September.
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #ballad #menstruation
My weekly #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo needs six poems to finish its 12th year. I especially need one for next week to keep the site going uninterrupted. If I don't receive a poem for next week, the site will skip the week until I do receive six more to publish. After that, the site will close for good. #Guidelines:
#poetry #thefivetwo #guidelines
July 24-30 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "A Crime Unspoken" by #JHJohns:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #jhjohns
I'm once again in need of #Poetry #Submissions for #TheFiveTwo. At the moment, I don't have a #Poem scheduled for July 30-August 6. I'd like to reach mid-September, finishing the site's 12th year uninterrupted, and then maybe close for good. It all depends on getting enough #Poems. First-time #Poets welcome. Any style, including #Prose poems, welcome:
#poetry #submissions #thefivetwo #poem #poems #poets #prose
July 17-23 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "Midsummer #Mischief!" by #SarahDasGupta:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #mischief #sarahdasgupta
My weekly #Crime-themed #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo needs new #Poems to finish its 12th year and begin its 13th in September. Submit today:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #poems
July 10-16 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "#Bar #Fight" by #AdamStemple:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #bar #fight #adamstemple
July 3-9 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "Osip" by #PaulHostovsky:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #paulhostovsky
June 26-July 2 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "Seventy-eight dollars" by #PeterMladinic:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #petermladinic
June 19-25 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "#Jealous Guy" by #CharlesRammelkamp:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #jealous #charlesrammelkamp
June 12-18 at my #Crime #Poetry site #TheFiveTwo, "B&E" by #MelodieBolt:
#crime #poetry #thefivetwo #melodiebolt