So, ich bastel mal am kleinen Listenrückblick 2022 für 1) Musik, Stand 01.01.23:
TOP 5 Alben:
5. #Husten - Aus allen Nähten
4. #Zeal&Ardor - s.t
3. #DieNerven - Europa
2. #RoloTomassi - Where Myth becomes Memory
1. #TheSmile - A Light for Attracting Attention
TOP 5 Songs:
5. #Muse - You make me feel like it's Halloween
4. #TheFlatliners - Performative Hours
3. #BillyTalent feat. Rivers Cuomo - The End of Me
2. #RoloTomassi - Drip
1. #Polyphia - Playing God
#husten #zeal #DieNerven #RoloTomassi #TheSmile #muse #theflatliners #BillyTalent #Polyphia #bestof2022 #lists
„Souvenir“ von #TheFlatliners #NowPlaying 🤘🎸
#swinginutters #teenagebottlerocket #tenfootpole #theataris #thebouncingsouls #thebriggs #thebusiness #thecramps #TheDamned #thedecline #thedickies #thedistillers #thedwarves #theexploited #theflatliners #TheHives #theholymess #thehumpers #thejoykiller #thelawrencearms #thelovedones #themarsvolta #themenzingers #TheMightyMightyBossToneS #theoffspring #thestooges #theuntouchables #TheVandals #thisisastandoff #tomwaits #totalchaos #tsol #undeclinableambuscade #union13 #venerea