#HGTV is upping the second season order of #TheFlippingElMoussas to 14 episodes which will premiere in early 2024. #television
#hgtv #theflippingelmoussas #television
TV TONIGHT (April 6)
#BeefNetflix #GreaseRiseOfThePinkLadies #JeremyRenner #LooneyTunesCartoons #TheNuttyBoy #Masters2023 #LawAndOrder #NextLevelChef #SwampPeople #JSFamilyVacation #ATimeToKill #TheFlippingElMoussas #CelebrityGameFace #GhostHunters
#ghosthunters #celebritygameface #theflippingelmoussas #ATimeToKill #jsfamilyvacation #swamppeople #nextlevelchef #lawandorder #masters2023 #thenuttyboy #LooneyTunesCartoons #jeremyrenner #greaseriseofthepinkladies #beefnetflix
TV TONIGHT (March 30)
#Unstable #LoneStarMurders #PromPact #AlaskaDaily #RapCaviarPresents #FromMeToYou #BelAir #LawAndOrder #RoomingWithDanger #Walker #NextLevelChef #SoHelpMeTodd #TopChef #TheFlippingElMoussas #GrownAndGospel #GoodTrouble
#GoodTrouble #grownandgospel #theflippingelmoussas #topchef #SoHelpMeTodd #nextlevelchef #walker #roomingwithdanger #lawandorder #BelAir #frommetoyou #rapcaviarpresents #alaskadaily #prompact #lonestarmurders #unstable
TV TONIGHT (March 2)
#SexLife #RHOM #WalkerIndependence #AccusedAE #TheFlippingElMoussas #MDLLA #PokerFace #MarlonWayans #StarTrekPicard #AlaskaDaily #MyDiaryOfLies #SoHelpMeTodd #NextLevelChef #SwampPeople #RestaurantImpossible #MarriedToRealEstate
#marriedtorealestate #restaurantimpossible #swamppeople #nextlevelchef #SoHelpMeTodd #mydiaryoflies #alaskadaily #startrekpicard #MarlonWayans #pokerface #mdlla #theflippingelmoussas #accusedae #walkerindependence #rhom #sexlife
#HGTV's new docuseries #TheFlippingElMoussas, starring #TarekElMoussa and #HeatherRaeElMoussa, will premiere Thursday, March 2 at 8:00 PM. The popular newlyweds and real estate power couple have faced a myriad of exciting life-changing events, including a new working relationship and a baby on the way, and HGTV's new follow-doc series has the whole family getting in on the action. The series will also stream the same day on Discovery+.
#television #streaming #discoveryplus
#hgtv #theflippingelmoussas #tarekelmoussa #heatherraeelmoussa #television #streaming #discoveryplus