what an exiting line up für Refuse Records XXX Anniversary in 'Berlin. it is not mentioned on the flyer but The Tangled Lines are also announced for #Köpi on Saturday 16th September..
#hardcore #theFog #refuserecords #BeyondPink
#Köpi #hardcore #thefog #refuserecords #BeyondPink
A montage of the many weeks of preparation for the 100th birthday of San Antonio Bay. The permits. The committees. The Next Door posts.
#unwanteddeletedscenes #HashtagGames #thefog
Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
On the way down, I caught a good picture of when I was talking about a squall looking kinda like a fog bank.
Almost like a horror movie.
#thefog #engentado #egentado #encantado
@tehjessica They were! I don’t remember the last time I watched the remake. Maybe a couple years ago, but I try to watch the original at least once a year.
Also, when it comes to original vs remake, I don’t know if you’ve seen #TheFog or not, but I highly prefer the original to the remake, though I find both are worth watching.
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #DanceSoundsOfThe90sWithVernonKay
The Fog & Full Intention:
🎵 Been A Long Time (Full Intention Mix)
#nowplaying #DanceSoundsOfThe90sWithVernonKay #thefog #fullintention
On April 21, 2003, The Fog was released on DVD in Greece. Here’s some new art to mark the occasion!
#TheFog #JohnCarpenter #DebraHill #HorrorMovies #Horror #MonsterVision #80sHorror #IndependentFilm #ZombieMovies #Zombies #TCMUnderground #HorrorArt #Art #PopArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thefog #johncarpenter #debrahill #horror #monstervision #80sHorror #independentfilm #zombiemovies #zombies #tcmunderground #horrorart #art #popart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory #horrormovies
Today, April 21, the town of Antonio Bay gets ready to celebrate its 100th anniversary. Father Malone discovers his grandfather’s diary, describing a murderous conspiracy. A strange, glowing fog approaches the town (John Carpenter’s The Fog, 1980)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #JohnCarpenter #TheFog #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity
#movies #film #cinemastodon #johncarpenter #thefog #horror #horrormovies #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #HorrorCommunity
Today, April 20, at 5 minutes to midnight, an old sailor spins a yarn about a rolling fog that concealed a terrible betrayal. He warns that it will return, bringing supernatural revenge (John Carpenter’s The Fog, 1980)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #JohnCarpenter #TheFog #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity
#movies #film #cinemastodon #johncarpenter #thefog #horror #horrormovies #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #HorrorCommunity
Feierabend. Alle schon im Bett. Zeit für eine klassische Geistergeschichte. Passt doch zu diesen Festtagen, oder? #Filmabend #JohnCarpenter #TheFog
#filmabend #johncarpenter #thefog
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #MaryAnneHobbs
The Fog:
🎵 Been A Long Time
#nowplaying #bbc6music #MaryAnneHobbs #thefog
10 rocznica śmierci Jamesa Herberta
James Herbert - brytyjski pisarz horrorów - zmarł nagle 20 marca 2013 roku w wieku 69 lat.[…]
#Mgła #JamesHerbert #Szczury #TheRats #Kryjówka #Domain #TheFog
#mgla #jamesherbert #szczury #therats #kryjowka #domain #thefog
In meiner Jugend war Super 8 schon lange out. Das hatte mich aber nicht davon abgehalten, Filme auf Zelluloid zu kaufen.
120 Meter (17 Minuten) color/ton kosteten damals 149.- DM.
#super8 #FridayThe13th #thefog #johncarpenter #jasonvorhees #steveminer #piccolofilm
#super8 #fridaythe13th #thefog #johncarpenter #jasonvorhees #steveminer #piccolofilm
Soundtrack-Time mit #minidisc 😎
Ich liebe dieses Medium und benutze es noch heute. Diese Dinger sind auch nicht totzukriegen. Im Auto schon zigmal draufgetreten. Lebt immer noch. Schön, eine Playlist von 1993 zu hören.
#johncarpenter #enniomorricone #oliveronions #guidomauriziodeangelis #bernardherrmann
#thefog #vamosamatarcompañeros
#minidisc #johncarpenter #enniomorricone #oliveronions #guidomauriziodeangelis #bernardherrmann #thefog #vamosamatarcompaneros
43 years ago:
The Fog (US)
Strange things begin to occurs as a tiny California coastal town prepares to commemorate its centenary. Inanimate objects spring eerily to life; Rev. Malone stumbles upon a dark secret about the town's founding; radio announcer Stevie witnesses a mystical fire; and hitchhiker Elizabeth discovers the...
#TheFog #JohnCarpenter #AdrienneBarbeau #JamieLeeCurtis #HalHolbrook #Horror #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thefog #johncarpenter #adriennebarbeau #jamieleecurtis #HalHolbrook #horror #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
@ErrolThomas1970 Love this movie! Think I would enjoy it even without all the supernatural horror; just smooth jazz on A.M. radio and small beach town late-night ambiance. Extremely atmospheric!
#TheFog #HorrorArt
Enshrouded in fog
Dew clings to peach blossoms
Smells like the ocean
A haiku about the heavy fog In my neighborhood right now.
#PensacolaBay #GulfOfMexico #TheFog #Weather #Florida #Mastodon #Haiku #Poetry
#pensacolabay #gulfofmexico #thefog #weather #florida #mastodon #haiku #Poetry
Enshrouded in fog
Dew clings to peach blossoms
Smells like the ocean
A haiku about the heavy fog In my neighborhood right now.
#PensacolaBay #GulfOfMexico #TheFog #Weather #Florida #Mastodon #Haiku #Poetry
#pensacolabay #gulfofmexico #thefog #Weather #florida #Mastodon #haiku #poetry
#CultFilmFacts: The lighthouse in John Carpenter’s The Fog is the Point Reyes Lighthouse in Marin County, California. It was built in 1870 and warned ships of danger until the Coast Guard retired the facility in 1975 and turned over ownership to the National Parks Service.
#TheFog #JohnCarpenter #AdrienneBarbeau #HorrorMovies #CultMovies #MovieTrivia #HorrorArt #TCMUnderground #MonsterVision #MovieTrivia #Movies #Art #MovieArt
#cultfilmfacts #thefog #johncarpenter #adriennebarbeau #horrormovies #cultmovies #movietrivia #horrorart #tcmunderground #monstervision #movies #art #movieart
"The best reviews you can get are at the box office."
Filmmaker #JohnCarpenter is 75 today.
#BornOnThisDay #FilmMastodon #Movies #Halloween #EscapeFromNewYork #TheyLive #TheThing #Starman #TheFog
#thefog #starman #thething #theylive #escapefromnewyork #Halloween #Movies #FilmMastodon #bornonthisday #JohnCarpenter
Happy birthday horror and sci-fi icon John Carpenter! Here's some original pop art to mark the occasion!
#HappyBirthday #JohnCarpenter #Halloween #AssaultOnPrecinct13 #TheFog #EscapeFromNewYork #TheTHing #BigTroubleInLittleChina #ScienceFiction #HorrorMovies #CultMovies #ActionMovies #DystopainFilm #Director #MovieArt #Movies #FanArt #PopArt #MovieHistory
#happybirthday #johncarpenter #halloween #assaultonprecinct13 #thefog #escapefromnewyork #thething #bigtroubleinlittlechina #sciencefiction #horrormovies #cultmovies #actionmovies #dystopainfilm #director #movieart #movies #FanArt #popart #moviehistory