»80 urodziny Joego Haldemana«
Amerykański pisarz Joseph William Haldeman – znany lepiej jako Joe Haldeman – przyszedł na świat 9 czerwca 1943 roku w Oklahoma City.
#Fahrenheit_zin #Wiecznawojna #JoeHaldeman #Marvano #StarshipTroopers #RobertAHeinlein #TheForeverWar #WarYear #Hero #TheForeverFree #ForeverPeace #Kawaleriakosmosu #WilliamMandela #Wiecznywolność #Wiecznapokój
#fahrenheit_zin #wiecznawojna #joehaldeman #marvano #starshiptroopers #robertaheinlein #theforeverwar #waryear #hero #theforeverfree #foreverpeace #kawaleriakosmosu #williammandela #wiecznywolnosc #wiecznapokoj
Loot from the #UsedBook sale at my local #library.
#TheForeverWar by Joe Haldeman
#FuzzyNation by John Scalzi
#ADarklingSea by James L. Cambias
3 Fantasy books by #MercedesLackey, who I've never read, but my wife recommends
2 Fantasy books by #SMSterling that I got explicitly because he thanked #RobertChambers and #TheKingInYellow in the acknowledgements.
A 1939 "Poetry and Prose for Enjoyment" Collection and a Spanish-English dictionary.
#usedbook #library #theforeverwar #fuzzynation #adarklingsea #MercedesLackey #smsterling #robertchambers #thekinginyellow #bookstodon
@QueerBuccaneer It's totally how I feel.
Plus, what a fucking relief to end #TheForeverWar that Twiitter has turned into.