Jason was kind enough to record this live #RVG session ☺️
28th Feb ‘23 #TheForum / #melbourne/ #music <https://youtube.com/watch?v=o5fb0hzM-lU&pp=ygUNcnZnIGJhbmQgbGl2ZQ%3D%3D>
#rvg #theforum #melbourne #music
#TheForum in #TunbridgeWells is a #GrassrootsMusicVenue that is celebrating it's 30th year in 2023.
It's been a mecca for acts since 1993 including #Oasis, #WolfAlice and many many more.
Have you been to #TheForum? Who did you see?
Do you have any favourite venues? Tell us more!
#theforum #tunbridgewells #grassrootsmusicvenue #oasis #wolfalice
Dans quelques minutes débutera la remise des prix du #NewEuropeanBauhaus l’occasion de célébrer des espaces durables, esthétiques et inclusifs #theforum
Suivez la cérémonie en LIVE ici 👉🏻 https://new-european-bauhaus-festival.eu/forum/live-sessions
Le #NewEuropeanBauhausFestival continue ce week-end
Venez 👇🏼
👀 pour admirer les projets 🌿des différents stands #thefair
🗣pour échanger pendant les différentes conférences #theforum
👂pour écouter les performances Live à #thefest
#NewEuropeanBauhausFestival #thefair #theforum #thefest
Pour suivre le lancement officiel du festival du 🆕 #NewEuropeanBauhaus c’est ici 👉🏻 http://europa.eu/!Jw63DJ #theforum
【t公式】TWICE、She was here with us.
#theforum #twicelightsinla #twicelights #트와이스 #twice
Presently the RCMP are removing first nations people from unceded territory to make way for a fracking pipeline. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3OjGB4sDCw #theForum