My friend sent me this zine that I think will resonate with a lot of those here that are queer/disabled/immunocompromised or in community with those who are: as we watch in dread those who are rallying over "back to normal spaces" that throw pandemic cautions, and us, in the corner. The zine is in digital text format, with pdf and print options, and is accompanied by a recording of people reading through it for audio listeners.

"Sour Queer Press: Pride and Rage Edition" by Sour Queer Press

> If we believe that queerness is truly subversive to the state, to domination, and to the evils of capitalism, then we need to center accessibility when we shape our spaces, interpersonal relationships, and politics. This is not an arbitrary preference, it’s a matter of survival. Disabled and immunocompromised people have always existed, but are constantly forced to survive in the margins, even in explicitly “anti-oppressive” spaces. We want to actively challenge this deep-set ableist pattern by making disability liberation a central node of how we live queer lives.

#queer #trans #zine #disablity #disabilityjustice #thefreakingpankoisnotover

Last updated 1 year ago