"In the past three years, the court’s Democratic majority has been instrumental in turning back Republican efforts to restrict voting laws and to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump."
#TheFreedomToVote as well as #TheFreedomToDecide is absolutely on the ballot in every judicial election this November.
Are you registered to vote? Applied for a Vote by Mail ballot? https://vote.pa.gov/
Democrats in Pennsylvania want to keep a Supreme Court majority.
#thefreedomtodecide #thefreedomtovote
Let's be crystal clear. Republicans are losing on all of the issues, #TheFreedomToDecide (reproductive rights), #TheFreedomToThrive (jobs & wages up, inflation down), #ClimateChange (renewable energy is our future).
Their only path is restricting the franchise, voter silencing.
The radical regressive SCOTUS is their staunch ally in this, gutting the VRA, opening the floodgates of regressive-right billionaire money and refusing to address egregious gerrymandering.
#ClimateChange #thefreedomtothrive #thefreedomtodecide
#TheFreedomToDecide and #TheFreedomToVote are intimately tied together.
Fight for both.
Protecting Abortion Rights Requires Protecting Democracy as Well | The New Republic
#thefreedomtovote #thefreedomtodecide
There are 6 days left for Ohio voters to **reject** Issue 1, Republican efforts funded by wealthy out-of-state regressive-right elites to hamstring democracy and put a big roadblock in front of enshrining #TheFreedomToDecide in the Ohio constitution.
Here is a great explainer from More Perfect Union - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdlfw-W1xZ4
"The fact that Texas is fighting against having to clarify when the exceptions that are already written into the law apply gives the game away: The exceptions were never meant to be used."
This is what Republicans want to be in place nationwide. A complete ban on abortion everywhere.
If you believe in the #TheFreedomToDecide, then please do everything you can to help #ProtectOurFreedoms, all of them.
Women harmed by Texas abortion law give emotional court testimony
#protectourfreedoms #thefreedomtodecide
That's the dark dystopian alternate timeline and we're not going down that road.
We're going to rally suburban white woman and men to defend #TheFreedomToDecide, young voters to #DefendThePlanet and #TheFreedomFromGunViolence, Black and Brown people to fight for #ClimateJustice, #RacialJustice & the #FreedmToThrive all to reelect Biden, hold the Senate and retake the House & then codify Roe, pass voting reforms and make DC a state.
#freedmtothrive #racialjustice #climatejustice #thefreedomfromgunviolence #defendtheplanet #thefreedomtodecide
More evidence of the salience of #TheFreedomToDecide in every state. Democrats are already running hard as defenders of our #Freedoms with #TheFreedomToDecide front and center, at the same time highlighting just how radical MAGA Republicans are in their drive to take away our #Freedoms.
It's absolutely a winning strategy.
Ohio abortion rights backers submit nearly double needed signatures for fall ballot measure
The #ProtectOurFreedoms, #TheFreedomToDecide, etc. messaging is without question effective.
President Biden's campaign leaning into this messaging is absolutely the right thing to do from every angle. All of us would do well to lean into it too.
Defend abortion in the name of freedom
#thefreedomtodecide #protectourfreedoms
To be fair, Trump cultists have rarely shown up for anyone other than Trump.
And, there is no doubt that protecting #TheFreedomToDecide is a big motivator for Democratic voters.
If Tennessee is any indication, #FreedomFromGunViolence will be as well.
#freedomfromgunviolence #thefreedomtodecide
@Porpentina2017 @nytimes Candidates who run aggressively on protecting #TheFreedomToDecide (along with other #Freedoms), banning assault weapons and other gun safety measures (in all but the reddest districts) will do very well.
In addition to widespread support for #TheFreedomToDecide, #TheFreedomToThrive, labor rights and more, there is also strong support for Trans rights and LGBTQ rights in general.
When included in a general #ProtectOurFreedoms theme, we can increase that support and build our electoral majorities.
Americans broadly reject Republican attacks on transgender freedoms
#protectourfreedoms #thefreedomtothrive #thefreedomtodecide
@Renegade_GDI @Bikracer @QasimRashid
Judaism does not ban abortion.
To the contrary, it **requires** abortion when the health of the mother is threatened.
Jews, by and large, are ardent defenders of #TheFreedomToDecide, including Jewish judges.
The Torah of Abortion Justice (Annotated Source Sheet)