I commissioned Kaido Masuhiro on Twitter a picture of #ZigOrtega from #TheFreshman, one of the stories from the app Choices: Stories You Play, practicing #ballet. Zig is one talented stud, and I'm glad the artist did him justice. 😍
#commissionedart #PlayChoices #ChoicesStoriesYouPlay
#zigortega #thefreshman #ballet #commissionedart #playchoices #choicesstoriesyouplay
#NYJ, born the same year as #OsamabinLaden, I closed my legal practice so I could spend more time looking for my #phone.#Koreatown #SurrogateCourthouse #SeagramsBuilding #DeliriousNewYork #TheFreshman #SomeLikeItHot #AbbottandCostelloMeetFrankenstein #ClunyBrown #KarenRussell #RivkaGalchen #DashiellHammett #MasterandMargarita #DeadSouls #TheRadetskyMarch #WithoutFeathers #EasyMoney #JoshuaFerris #MarcelTheShellWithShoesOn #TheSparksBrothers #ThePrisoner #FroggytheGremlin #Ishtar #RichardBoone
#richardboone #Ishtar #froggythegremlin #theprisoner #thesparksbrothers #marceltheshellwithshoeson #joshuaferris #easymoney #withoutfeathers #theradetskymarch #deadsouls #masterandmargarita #dashiellhammett #rivkagalchen #karenrussell #clunybrown #abbottandcostellomeetfrankenstein #SomeLikeItHot #thefreshman #deliriousnewyork #seagramsbuilding #surrogatecourthouse #koreatown #phone #osamabinladen #nyj