Just finished watching The Frighteners (1996), will try to drop some thoughts or review in the comments. #justwatched #watched #cinemastodon #plex #whattowatch #moviedon https://trakt.tv/movies/the-frighteners-1996 #TheFrighteners #trakt
#justwatched #watched #cinemastodon #plex #whattowatch #moviedon #thefrighteners #trakt
10. Agárrame esos fantasmas (1996) Los efectos especiales han envejecido peor que fatal. Se ha hecho durilla de ver, por ese motivo. Por lo demás, es Peter Jackson en "mode serie-B a lo Raimi" ON, que era lo que tocaba. En ese sentido, es dinámica y tontísima, se disfruta.
#resenas #cine #peterjackson #thefrighteners
Gizmodo: Even Peter Jackson Got Spooked by That Terrifying Talk to Me Hand https://gizmodo.com/peter-jackson-a24-talk-to-me-horror-lord-of-the-rings-1850737139 #thelordoftheringsthetwotowers #entertainmentculture #thereturnoftheking #thelordoftherings #michaelphilippou #thefrighteners #peterjackson #splatterfilm #mirandaotto #talktome #films #eowyn #oscar #danny
#thelordoftheringsthetwotowers #entertainmentculture #thereturnoftheking #thelordoftherings #michaelphilippou #thefrighteners #peterjackson #splatterfilm #mirandaotto #talktome #films #eowyn #oscar #danny
Horror movies released in 1996…pick your favorite.
#thefrighteners #fromdusktilldawn #scream #maryreilly #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #HorrorMovies
231 Days Until #halloween
#halloween #thefrighteners #vhs #halloweencountdown
[1972] The Frighteners - A horror anthology series, with each episode featuring a different eerie tale. This episode is "The Minder", a daring jailbreak is planned - but does Bender mastermind the escape of his boss out of loyalty, or a more sinister motive? Starring Tom Bell.
#OldBritishTelly #thefrighteners #tombell
I just watched The Frighteners (1996) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-frighteners-1996 #TheFrighteners #trakt
Truly criminally underrated!
I loved that movie so much, and in all these years I had never "heard" anyone mention it!
Just learning about 'Still'. Can't wait!
#TheFrighteners @VancityReynolds@twitter.com @realmikefox@twitter.com
[1972] The Frighteners - Horror anthology series. This episode is the decidedly sinister “Have a Nice Time at the Zoo, Darling”, teenager Ruth pays a visit to the local zoo after school. She is followed by a middle aged man who seems to know rather just too much about her.
#OldBritishTelly #thefrighteners
Neu in der Sammlung: Die großartige Collector's Edition von #thefrighteners von #peterjackson mit #michaeljfox von @turbinemedien 👻
#blurayaddict #bluraycollector #uhd #uhdbluray #4kuhd #bluray #filmsammler #collectorsedition #filmliebe #digipak
#thefrighteners #peterjackson #michaeljfox #blurayaddict #BluRayCollector #uhd #uhdbluray #4kuhd #bluray #filmsammler #CollectorsEdition #FilmLiebe #digipak
Kurze Erinnerung und Kaufempfehlung, ich warte da schon jahrelang drauf: Turbine Medien bringt zum 1. Dezember eine limitierte 4K UHD Box von #TheFrighteners raus, mit neuem Bildmaster, Kinofassung und Directors Cut. Und der Versand wurde schon angekündigt. #PeterJackson #MichaelJFox
#thefrighteners #PeterJackson #michaeljfox
It? Gomez asked.
"Yep! My body washed somewhere in the cave of the howling banshee. The Addams curse still holds true after all these years!
Next: Spooky Spelunking
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners
"It's been ages since I've had so much fun!" Judge Addams cackled!
"Now about the deed Grandfather?" Gomez inquired.
"Now let's see. Oh yeah it's inside my vest pocket on my body. But im afraid it washed away with the flooding river years ago!"
"Any idea where we can find
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners
Accidentally and blew out Dammers back tire!
"Sorry! I was aiming for your back!" Fester offered apologetically.
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners
"Uuuuhhhh!" Lurch shook his head slowly, grabbing him by the arm and escorting him towards the door.
"This isn't over Addams! Ill be back if it takes an army of Federal Agents to remove your withered corpse!"
"Don't forget your pistol!" Uncle Fester fired it off
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners
Dammers looked up in shock at the pale behemoth Lurch and released Wednesday immediately!
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners
The voice of reason!" Gomez Gloated proudly.
Dammers started backing away and bumped into a silent giant standing behind him!
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners
"You better do as she asks Dammers. You should hear her Primal Scream, it's magnificent!" Gomez added.
"I'm warning you! Im a Federal Agent with a gun and im not afraid to use it!" Dammers fumbled around and saw a hand disappearing into a box with a gun!
"Aaah Thing! Always
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners
Before I really let loose!" Morticias eyes started flaring up at Dammers with a penetrating gaze.
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #TheFrighteners
#addamsfamily #horrorrp #thefrighteners