Today, (19.08.), Bonn, 3pm: Disability & Mad #Pride! :disability_flag:
See you there! ❤️
More info: (many languages)
Spread the word & boost!
#Bonn #DisabilityPride #Demonstration #Kundgebung #Köln #Rheinland #Disabled #Behindert #ChronischKrank #ChronicallyIll #Inclusive #Inklusion #TheFutureIsInclusive #NRW #Pride #mentallyIll #MentalHealth #neurodiverse
#pride #bonn #disabilitypride #demonstration #kundgebung #koln #rheinland #disabled #behindert #chronischKrank #chronicallyill #inclusive #inklusion #thefutureisinclusive #nrw #mentallyill #mentalhealth #neurodiverse
Next week (19.08.), Bonn, 3pm: Disability & Mad #Pride! :disability_flag: If you are from the region and either disabled/ chronically ill or an ally, you really should consider joining the event! ❤️ More info: (many languages) Spread the word & boost! #Bonn #DisabilityPride #Demonstration #Kundgebung #Köln #Rheinland #Disabled #Behindert #ChronischKrank #ChronicallyIll #Inclusive #Inklusion #TheFutureIsInclusive #NRW #Pride #mentallyIll #MentalHealth #neurodiverse
#pride #bonn #disabilitypride #demonstration #kundgebung #koln #rheinland #disabled #behindert #chronischKrank #chronicallyill #inclusive #inklusion #thefutureisinclusive #nrw #mentallyill #mentalhealth #neurodiverse
Today (30.07.) Kiel celebrates its first Disability #Pride! :disability_flag: If you are from the region and either disabled or an ally, you really should consider joining the event! ❤️ More info: @Behindertenpride (in German) Spread the word & boost! #Kiel #DisabilityPride #Demonstration #Kundgebung #SchleswigHolstein #Hamburg #Niedersachen #Denmark #Disabled #Behindert #ChronischKrank #ChronicallyIll #Inclusive #Inklusion #TheFutureIsInclusive #Norddeutsch #HolsteinKiel
#pride #kiel #disabilitypride #demonstration #kundgebung #schleswigholstein #hamburg #niedersachen #denmark #disabled #behindert #chronischKrank #chronicallyill #inclusive #inklusion #thefutureisinclusive #Norddeutsch #HolsteinKiel
Liebe Alle.
sagt hallo zu @Behindertenpride 💚
Das ist der Account der Behinderten Pride in Kiel am 30.07.2023.
Lasst ein Follow da. Das Team macht super Arbeit!
#DisabilityPride #Disabled #Behindert #DisabilityRights #Inklusion #TheFutureIsInclusive #BehindertenRechte
#Intersektionalität #TheFutureIsIntersectional #DisabilityPride
#Selbstbestimmung #FollowFriday #Barreirefrei #Barrierearm #Solidarität #NotAboutUsWithoutUs #Kiel #ChronicallyIll #ChronischKrank #Neurodivers #neurodiverse
#disabilitypride #disabled #behindert #DisabilityRights #inklusion #thefutureisinclusive #Behindertenrechte #intersektionalitat #thefutureisintersectional #selbstbestimmung #followfriday #barreirefrei #barrierearm #solidaritat #notaboutuswithoutus #kiel #chronicallyill #chronischKrank #neurodivers #neurodiverse
A week from now (30.07.) Kiel celebrates its first Disability #Pride! :disability_flag:
If you are from the region and either disabled or an ally, you really should consider joining the event! ❤️
More at their social media: (in German)
Spread the word & boost!
#Kiel #DisabilityPride #Demonstration #Kundgebung #SchleswigHolstein #Hamburg #Niedersachen #Denmark #Disabled #Behindert #ChronischKrank #ChronicallyIll #Inclusive #Inklusion #TheFutureIsInclusive #Norddeutsch
#pride #kiel #disabilitypride #demonstration #kundgebung #schleswigholstein #hamburg #niedersachen #denmark #disabled #behindert #chronischKrank #chronicallyill #inclusive #inklusion #thefutureisinclusive #Norddeutsch
*makes excited noises*
I will speak at this year's International Animal Rights Conference 🎉
I'll talk about an issue really important to me: Diversity and inclusion in the #vegan community 💚
#IARC #InternationalARConference #ForTheAnimals #TheFutureIsAcessible #AnimalRights #Speaker #TheFutureIsIntersectional #Intersectional #FuckSpeciesism
#vegan #thefutureisinclusive #iarc #internationalarconference #fortheanimals #thefutureisacessible #animalrights #speaker #thefutureisintersectional #intersectional #fuckspeciesism
@ADFC_Hamburg @OpenBikeSensor Eine Bildbeschreibung wäre ein Traum! Diese Daten sind super relevant. Leider sind sie gerade für alle, die Screenreader nutzen, nicht zugänglich. Wäre cool, wenn ihr das noch ändert! #barrierefrei #TheFutureIsInclusive
#barrierefrei #thefutureisinclusive