La película #TheGame es un thriller impactante de los años 90 y ahora repasamos detalles que igual no sabías
𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙖𝙟𝙤.!! 𖤍♬ 🔊🔊
#Skrillex #TheGame #TheGameAndSkrillex #ElChapo #BassNoise #Latino
#skrillex #thegame #thegameandskrillex #elchapo #bassnoise #latino
👍 Liebe #Carola stelle bitte viele #Fragen zum #Endocannabinoidsystem des #Menschen. Was dazu in der #Schulmedizin bekannt ist und an unseren Unis gelehrt wird ... Tausend #Puzzleteile - #Tausend #FragenüberFragen ... #let #thegame #begin! :mastolove:
#weedmob #fff #hanf #hemp #medizin #Evidenz #Endocannabinoide #heilpflanze #heilwirkung #lug #betrug #anslinger #antipro #gerechtigkeit #rassismus #faschismus #rassenwahn #Cannabis #Lauterbach #SPD #fff
#thegame #spd #lauterbach #cannabis #Rassenwahn #faschismus #rassismus #gerechtigkeit #AntiPro #anslinger #betrug #lug #Heilwirkung #heilpflanze #Endocannabinoide #evidenz #medizin #hemp #hanf #fff #WeedMob #seelengarten #im #rebellion #begin #let #fragenuberfragen #tausend #puzzleteile #schulmedizin #menschen #ENDOCANNABINOIDSYSTEM #fragen #carola
In einer anderen #Traum-#Geschichte [Im Drehbuch wissen wir, wer #MazerRackham wirklich ist, und wir wissen auch, was auf dem #Spiel steht, wenn #Ender seine Spiele spielt. Aber Ender weiß es nicht. ...] #CRISPR_rEvolution #EndersGame #Game #theGame
#lonely #lonesome #something #sometimes #somewhere
:mastolove: :mastolove: :mastolove: It is a really big story 😃
#Storytelling #Cannabis:#Weedmob.#Metaebene #Haschrebell" 😃 #Söder #Scholz #Papst #Cannabis #Hanf #kanehbosem?
#KaNehBosem #hanf #papst #scholz #Soder #haschrebell #metaebene #WeedMob #cannabis #storytelling #somewhere #sometimes #something #lonesome #lonely #thegame #game #EndersGame #CRISPR_rEvolution #Ender #spiel #mazerrackham #geschichte #traum
The Hunger Game
#Rap #Hiphop #TheGame
#thegame #hiphop #Rap #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
Marie really is a manipulative horrible old bat. Trying to trap Raymond into saying she can live with him. What a bitch. #everybodylovesraymond #thegame
#everybodylovesraymond #thegame
I just finished watching #JuryDuty on #AmazonPrime with my wife.
It was brilliant and fascinating. Now I’m seriously questioning reality. Could I be part of a show like Jury Duty? Could this be like #TheGame? Is the #JorfShirt a good inside joke or a bad thing to wear?
#juryduty #amazonprime #thegame #jorfshirt
"Save Me" is a song by the British rock band Queen from their 1980 album #TheGame. Written by #guitarist #BrianMay, it was recorded in 1979, and released in the UK on 25 January 1980, nearly six months prior to the release of the album. "Save Me" spent six weeks on the #UKSinglesChart, peaking at number 11. It was the band's first single release of the #1980s. The #powerBallad was played live from 1979 to 1982 and was recorded for their live albums.
#thegame #guitarist #brianmay #uksingleschart #1980s #powerballad
Happy anniversary to Echo & The Bunnymen’s eponymous album (aka “The Grey Album”). Released this week in 1987. #echoandthebunnymen #thegame #lipslikesugar #bedbugsandballyhoo
#echoandthebunnymen #thegame #lipslikesugar #bedbugsandballyhoo
🎵This. Is. How. We. Dough. (We bake so smooth and enable drool while we up in the club)🎵
#Rap #hiphop #HashtagGames #bakeasong #50Cent #thegame
Paramount+ Cancels "The Game," "Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies," "Queen of the Universe" and "Star Trek: Prodigy" #ParamountPlus #Paramount #TheGame #GreaseRiseOfThePinkLadies #QueenOfTheUniverse #StarTrekProdigy
#StarTrekProdigy #queenoftheuniverse #greaseriseofthepinkladies #thegame #paramount #paramountplus
#ParamountPlus has cancelled #GreaseRiseOfThePinkLadies, #StarTrekProdigy, #TheGame and #QueenOfTheUniverse, and will be removing them from the service in the coming days. #television #streaming
#paramountplus #greaseriseofthepinkladies #startrekprodigy #thegame #queenoftheuniverse #television #streaming
Una de las cosas que más me flipan de esta banda es la facilidad para sacar discos que pueden ser mejores o peores, pero que siempre cuentan con tres o cuatro verdaderos temazos.
Este es su octavo disco de estudio en ocho años y se puede decir que el nivel general es altísimo: hay chart-toppers como #AnotherOneBitesTheDust o #CrazyLittleThingCalledLove, temas buenísimos que no tuvieron tanto éxito como #PlayTheGame o #SaveMe, y gemas escondidas como #SailAwaySweetSister o #ComingSoon.
Este es de los discos que atesoro con más orgullo porque se trata de una primera edición española, publicada el año en que nací. La reedición de hace unos años es preciosa con ese plateado brillante y cegador, pero esto es una experiencia diferente y genial. No me costó demasiado en su día y Queen... Es Queen.
#anotheronebitesthedust #crazylittlethingcalledlove #playthegame #saveme #sailawaysweetsister #comingsoon #queen #thegame #eugenelo
Sorry to inform you, but I just lost #TheGame, and therefore, you have now lost as well! 😏
#TheGame feat. #50cent - 🎵This, is, how, we don’t (We fake a move and act a fool while we up in the club)🎵
#Rap #hiphop #HashtagGames #fakeasongbookorshow #50Cent #thegame
I announce with big regret that I just lost The Game
#IfBooksCouldKill is easily my favourite podcast, and their take on #TheGame has me in tears. Seek it out.