Es ist offiziell! Es wird einen zweiten Teil von "The Game Changers" geben. Die vegane Doku um Athlet*innen Rekord-Gewichtheber Patrick Baboumian, Formel 1 Fahrer Lewis Hamilton, Radrennfahrerin Dotsie Bausch und Mixed Martial Artist James Wilks sorgte für ein paar Jahren für ordentlich Wirbel und ich freue mich extrem auf das Sequel! 😍
Alle Infos dazu findet Ihr ab sofort im Blog.
#SoundsVegan #vegan #blog #TheGameChangers2 #TheGameChangers
#thegamechangers #thegamechangers2 #Blog #Vegan #soundsvegan
I saw another film recently, and while it is not #vegan by name, it all but confirms it throughout the movie.
The movie was #TheGamechangers (available on Netflix), and it feels like an updated version of #ForksOverKnives (in fact there are a few 'cameos' of some of the people from the original film). I believe it was very well done stylistically, and I found the animations when discussing the science quite nice. Also, the appearance of #ArnoldSchwarzenegger was, I feel, a great boost to the movement. In fact, I found the executive team consisted of quite a line up, in addition to Arnold the executive producers included:
(There's debates on their dedication to the #veganism movement, as I am sure some will point out.)
Not sure how I feel about the section on the erection talk but it seems like the film was targeting a male based audience at that point!
The conclusion was quite clear though, a #PlantBasedDiet, doesn't hinder an athlete, and you can get tasty food out of a vegan diet.
It is rated well on #imdb and is rated 'fresh' on #RottenTomatoes.
#Vegans #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights #VeganForTheMovies #wfpb #JamesWilks #LouiePsihoyos
#vegan #thegamechangers #forksoverknives #arnoldschwarzenegger #jackiechan #jamescameron #lewishamilton #novakdjokovic #chrispaul #veganism #plantbaseddiet #imdb #rottentomatoes #vegans #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights #veganforthemovies #wfpb #jameswilks #louiepsihoyos
@Pece Two other films that may interest you are #ForksOverKnives (can be streamed for free) and #TheGameChangers (available on several platforms).
#forksoverknives #thegamechangers #eatmoreplants #vegan #wfpb
#TheGameChangers – Die Vorteile veganer Ernährung werden für den Profisport und das alltägliche Leben beworben. Schlüssig dargebracht, werden weder kritische Stimmen, noch die Herausforderungen dieser Ernährung vorgestellt. Zur Kritik: #ChangeYourGame
#ChangeYourGame #thegamechangers
Die kurzweilig anschaulich präsentierte Dokumentation #TheGameChangers bewirbt offen eine vegane Ernährungsweise, auch im Profisport. Was wie ein Widerspruch klingt, ist bestechend, sollte aber differenziert betrachtet werden. Zur #Review: #ChangeYourGame
#ChangeYourGame #review #thegamechangers
Die Dokumentation #TheGameChangers beschäftigt sich mit den Mythen, dass eine vegane Ernährung sich nicht mit körperlicher Leistungsfähigkeit vereinbaren lässt. Das ist in mancherlei Hinsicht erleuchtend, aber auch einseitig. Unsere Kritik: #ChangeYourGame
#ChangeYourGame #thegamechangers
Neue Reviews sind eingetroffen zu Ridley Scotts #TheLastDuel, Wes Andersons #TheFrenchDispatch, dem SciFi-Actioner #TheTomorrowWar, DIE ERFINDUNG DER WAHRHEIT mit, der Ernährungsdokumentation #TheGameChangers und Teil eins von ESCAPE ROOM:
#thegamechangers #TheTomorrowWar #TheFrenchDispatch #TheLastDuel
@kintaro do you have any good sites that have recipes for vegans? I've seen in #TheGameChangers that the wife of the football player made all kinds of recipes everyone likes but with meat replacements?
I've watched a very interesting documentary in bed on Netflix called #TheGameChangers which makes a lot of compelling arguments to try out a vegan lifestyle; but now my mattress is warm and I can't sleep.
And my late evening snack is hard to digest, which is another reason I'm compelled to belief the documentary.