New #WatchList Thread!
Current List:
• Doom At Your Service (9?/16)
• ???
• The Untamed (46/50)
The ??? might be determined by a poll, though I haven't decided yet. There's a couple of shows that have caught my eye enough for me to just start watching them, so...
Also on my recently completed list:
• The Ghost Bride
• Semantic Error
#Kdrama #TDrama #MDrama #CDrama #TheUntamed #DoomAtYourService #SemanticError #TheGhostBride #CurrentlyWatching
#watchlist #kdrama #tdrama #mdrama #cdrama #theuntamed #doomatyourservice #semanticerror #theghostbride #currentlywatching
I finished it!
Aaaaah the tension in those last 20 minutes for me. I thought it was going to go with a sour ending but it was sweet.
Rather than focusing on heartbreak it focused on new beginnings and letting go. And it was nice to see? I feel like I don't get to see that enough.
I also kinda 1000% want a motw-style spinoff with Li Lan and Er Lang, which I know isn't what they were going for but still.
#theghostbride #tdrama #mdrama
Oh shit.
Okay so I still like where they went with Isabel. It wasn't "I'm insecure about my fiancé, and therefore murder." Or I guess in a way it is, but not the usual way. It was more that she got herself in a tangled mess of murder, in part bc she didn't trust her fiancé to understand what happened.
#theghostbride #tdrama #mdrama
I'm on EP 6, and:
The Mom is still very cool, and Tian Ching is still very much an asshole.
(And still very well dressed.)
#theghostbride #tdrama #mdrama
Tian Ching is like! "I was so looking forward to the wedding" and is shocked — like fully :pika: shocked — that she didn't feel the same.
He literally had to threaten her father's life to get her to agree in the first place.
#theghostbride #tdrama #mdrama
I already love the mother. The dream was too idealized a view of her to get a feel.
But watching her now, acting with agency and not existing solely as a child’s memory, she’s cool. How she thought on her feet when coming up with a lie for why she was in Li Lan’s room. And her glances back and forth between Li Lan and Er Lang.
#theghostbride #mdrama #tdrama
… I just realized, those attendants are on those hoverboards aren’t they? I forget what they’re called.
But the pivot one of the maidens attendants was doing when searching for Li Lan looked exactly like how it looks when you pivot and turn on those.
#theghostbride #tdrama #mdrama
I have some free time today before tonight’s game. Let’s see if I can finish Bride of Habaek. In its place will be The Ghost Bride — which I’m also almost done with.
#BrideOfHabaek #BrideOfTheWaterGod #TheGhostBride #KDrama #TDrama #MDrama
#brideofhabaek #brideofthewatergod #theghostbride #kdrama #tdrama #mdrama
Oh no wait, only six episodes? :blobcatverysad:
Okay okay, Er Lang is also fun.
I was also wondering if he was intended to be Er Lang Shen, but I don't think so anymore. :blobcatthink:
#theghostbride #drama #internationaldrama
Tian Ching: You left too soon last time! We need to talk! About a lot of stuff! Like our wedding! I'll be good to your family!
Also Tian Ching: *jump scares Li Lan every time he shows up in her dreams, and wonders why she runs away*
Ohai I'm Glitch. I'm behind on shows, and I've decided to start a whole new drama.
Also happy to discover the lead actress, Huang Pei Jia, and it is always, always a pleasure to see Chris Wu ♡
(Aussi ravie de decouvrir l'actrice principale, Huang Pei Jia, et c'est absolument toujours un plaisir de retrouver Chris Wu ♡)
#dramas #theghostbride #cdramas #huangpeijia #chriswu
Been watching since yesterday. I liked it from the start, but episode 4 is my favorite so far. I like that the drama is not holding back on the supernatural and going all out ! Also very appreciative of this dude's whole aesthetics u.u
(J'ai commencé hier. Ca m'a tout de suite plu mais l'ep 4 est mon favori pour le moment. J'aime que le drama y aille à fond dans le surnaturel ! Très amatrice de toute l'esthétique de ce type, aussi u.u)
#dramas #asiandramas #kuangtian #theghostbride