Can't stop the #BookWeek at
Tonight Sam's back with some Year One favourites! We've got Dickens, Stevenson, Middleton, Nesbitt, and maybe more if there's time? Come and find a new story to love!
#Audiobook #ReadingAloud #TheSignalMan #CharlesDickens #TheBodySnatcher #RobertLouisStevenson #ManSizeInMarble #EdithNesbitt #TheGhostShip #RichardMiddleton #cozy
#bookweek #audiobook #readingaloud #thesignalman #charlesdickens #thebodysnatcher #robertlouisstevenson #mansizeinmarble #edithnesbitt #theghostship #richardmiddleton #cozy
Here’s a previously drawn portrait of Skelton Knaggs inspired by The Ghost Ship that I’ve drawn in the past!
#TCMParty #theghostship #drawnderground
Some modern critics have interpreted The Ghost Ship as a coded study on repressed homosexuality. I, for one, totally agree, but I’ve also always insisted Jaws was a gay or at least homosocial love story, so I'm pretty biased ...
During his Vegas days, Howard Hughes owned a local TV station and the entire R.K.O. catalog of films. He would often have the station play movies of his choice commercial free like a 1960s Eccentric Billionaire Netflix account. He'd even ask them to rewind the films to his specifications when he missed parts. Locals didn't mind much because it was commercial-free. Would love to see a Howard Hughes Night on TCM of R.K.O. movies that jump backwards 15 minutes randomly …
That’s a wrap! Here’s my new drawing of Skelton Knaggs as Finn in celebration of this TCM presentation of The Ghost Ship!
#TCMParty #theghostship #drawnderground
Huh … I was kind of expecting a few more Nu-Metal and horrid early 2000s rap / rock songs on this film’s soundtrack … Wait, my bad; I was thinking of the wrong Ghost Ship …
Sadistic and tyrannical sea captain wantonly murdering his crew members ... This looks like a job for Popeye ...
#TCMParty #theghostship #popeye
Manly men fightin’ on a ship in an R.K.O. film. I don’t care if it’s unorthodox, I’m calling it.
In The Ghost Ship, Richard Dix plays the captain of the M/V Altair. His son, Richard Dix would later star in Forbidden Planet, which is about a space expedition to the Planet Altair. Therefore, The Ghost Ship is canon in the Forbidden Planet universe, imho …
Ghost Ship only exists because of budgeting on set design. The elaborate ship set was originally designed for Pacific Liner (1938), and R.K.O. gave Val Newton instructions to come up with a nautical film that could re-use it. James Cameron should really get his money’s worth out of that Titanic set and make a Britannic knock-off, imho …
Lookin’ knavish! Getting somewhere with this Skelton Knaggs piece!
#TCMParty #theghostship #drawnderground
Guy gettin' surgery on a boat ... what is this? A Grover Cleveland biopic?!
Hmm ...with the portrayal of 1930s shipp duties, this movie kind of has some Capitalist Realist genre overtones; before it gets all Heart-Of-Dankness-y later on, obviously ...
"Who does not heed the rudder shall meet the rock." Not sure if that’s a Zen Koan or a Fire-And-Brimstone Christian aphorism ...
Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip …
Getting started on tonight’s first drawing! Going to be making a portrait of Skelton Knaggs as Finn. Drawing Bela Lugosi for The Corpse Vanishes after that!
#TCMParty #theghostship #drawnderground
Here for The Ghost Ship and The Corpse Vanishes!
#TCMParty #theghostship #thecorpsevanishes