@Louisa I'd pay good money to see that awful puppet crunch on a parachuting Tim Allen in a Santa outfit. #Monsterdon #TheGiantClaw
I got my wish. Dozens of people had to watch The Giant Claw. The most terrifying turkey of a farcical flying marionette ever put on film. And fun was had by all.
She is beauty, she has no grace, she is a flying battleship with a goofy face.
Thanks for another Monsterdon @Taweret & gang#Monsterdon #TheGiantClaw
T-t-t-that's all folks.
Flying Battleship count: 7 ?
#Monsterdon #TheGiantClaw
so who's gonna mod the giant claw bird into MS flight sim?
Also, express your appreciation to @cheribaker
for creating the Bingo card. She could have completed that project at work to move up the ladder, but she prioritized YOUR FUN. And how did you even have time to follow the scroll and do Bingo?!!
She's molting everywhere and killing everyone in New York.
And the smoke makes her strings more visible.
#Monsterdon #TheGiantClaw
"...I should have been a pair of giant ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of silent seas"
_Now_ I get what T.S. Eliot was going on about!
She's so mad. Flare those nostrils you beautiful buzzard.
#Monsterdon #TheGiantClaw
It is a well made muppet. But it's still a stupid looking vulture puyppet.
#Monsterdon #TheGiantClaw
Monsterdon Birders:
Take a minute to thank @Taweret for hosting tonight's screening.
Also plan for using the rest of the week to complete reviewing this commentary scroll and "process" the movie and its meaning.
And that's a (chicken) wrap!
Thanks again to @Taweret for hosting!
Tonight's feature had:
* A giant claw, well actually two
* A giant bird that really knew how to ham it up
* A creepy pilot dude that wasn't an actual pilot
* Anti-matter matter science tomfoolery
* Dialogue that was so hilariously bad that it deserves it's own mention
"You've have to finish in the air." *camera quick cuts to Sally*
More orgy dialogue.
#Monsterdon #TheGiantClaw
That claw needs to be giving a thumbs up as it's sinking #monsterdon #thegiantclaw