From a seedling to forest elder: the film is a masterclass that draws on Bob’s 50 years of inspiring activism, from the Franklin campaign for Tasmania’s last wild river, to today’s battle for the Tarkine rainforest. Told in Bob’s own words, his story is interwoven with the extraordinary life cycle of Australia’s giant trees, brought to the screen with stunning cinematography and immersive animated forest
#tarkine #bobbrown #bobbrownfoundation #thegiants
I went and saw The Giants documentary today. Thoroughly recommend you see it when it comes near you. Just allow time to debrief with friends afterwards #TheGiants #BobBrown #WhatDidYouDoWhenYouKnew
#thegiants #bobbrown #whatdidyoudowhenyouknew
Bob Brown towers in bioepic
At #RandwickRitz to watch #TheGiants - The Extraordinary Story of #BobBrown and the #Forest. 🌳 #trees #environment #TheGiantsFilm
#randwickritz #thegiants #bobbrown #forest #trees #environment #thegiantsfilm
Check out the trailer for #TheGiants
It was a great experience to have the opportunity to go out and collect the #lidar data for the movie, meet the team and experience these majestic trees.
I am also thrilled to see the data I collect in such a visually stunning way.
Movie #TheGiants is "must see" for me. Can't wait for a release.
#thegiants #green #nature #life #planet