#TennesseeWilliams #TheGlassMenagerie at #Manchester #RoyalExchangeTheatre in September.
Incredibly powerful and vivid play, specially produced for the 'in the round' stage layout.
I've never seen the play before, so it was all new, but I went specifically to watch an actor I'm acquainted with #RhiannonClements who played the role of the sister, Laura. She, and the rest of the cast were amazing!
#tennesseewilliams #theglassmenagerie #manchester #royalexchangetheatre #rhiannonclements
Sometimes you need to depend on the kindness of strangers. #TennesseeWilliams career radically changed when he received a $1,000 Rockefeller scholarship in 1939. Continued small grants early in his career enabled Williams to write plays like #TheGlassMenagerie
This check stub for one of the scholarship payments can be found in the Tennessee Williams Collection at the Harry Ransom Center: https://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/guides/TennesseeWilliams
#Theatre #TheatreHistory #writer #playwright #archives #broadway #grants
#tennesseewilliams #theglassmenagerie #theatre #TheatreHistory #writer #playwright #archives #broadway #grants
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Get a first look at Amy Adams and more in @SecondHalfProds's #TheGlassMenagerie!
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/BroadwayWorld/status/1531969135789412359
#BroadwayWorld #theglassmenagerie #theater