Kolya Krassotkin · @KolyaKrassotkin
584 followers · 1282 posts · Server m.cmx.im

作者在 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN SECOND-CENTURY ROME 这个章节提出了一些很有趣的观点。本章主要想要论证的观点是那时的罗马城尚不存在一个中央教会组织,可以去审定、攻击异端。应该拒绝“正统”与“异端”相斗争的叙事模式:作者认为不该说诺斯替派输掉了一场“战争”;“rather, they were participants in a lively and often contested multilateral process of defining and redefining what Christianity might be”.



#读书笔记 #thegnostics

Last updated 1 year ago

Kolya Krassotkin · @KolyaKrassotkin
584 followers · 1273 posts · Server m.cmx.im

……[In] Plato’s dialogue Timaeus…… a divine being called “the craftsman” (demiurge) creates the visible universe as a copy of the eternal forms. The craftsman creates lower gods, who then assist him, and the universe that he creates and in which we live is the best possible image of the perfect spiritual world.

……During the first and second centuries, intellectuals, especially admirers of Plato’s thought, became increasingly sensitive to the distance between the changing material nature of our world and the ideal of an unchanging……. If the ultimate God is utterly transcendent, unchanging, and immaterial, as the ideals of Plato suggested, then some sort of mediating divine principle(s) between that God and this created order appeared necessary.……

In comparison to these thinkers, the Gnostics appear to stand out for two reasons: their divine mediating principles are numerous and complex, and their craftsman god is ignorant and even malicious.

#摘录 #thegnostics

Last updated 1 year ago

Kolya Krassotkin · @KolyaKrassotkin
584 followers · 1265 posts · Server m.cmx.im

As we shall see, all Jews and Christians with any philosophical interests ascribed the creation of this world (in full or in part) to a deity lower than the highest God and also interpreted and adapted Jewish or Christian Scriptures. As the Gospel of John put it, God did not create the world directly; rather, “all things came into being” through God’s Word (John 1:3).

[有点被吓到 hhhh]

#摘录 #thegnostics

Last updated 1 year ago