Some of Hans Poelzig's set designs for The Golem - How He Came Into the World. #SilentMovies #TheGolem #CineMastodon
#silentmovies #thegolem #cinemastodon
@YayForThat @LukeySixx Me as well. If nothing else we can turn people on to films they’ve not seen before. 😁
I have to say that #TheGolem (2018) made me go back to watch the (1920) movie.
I’ll put some champs in the ring from the 1920s that have a little dust on their shoulders…
#DerCabinetdesDrCaligari (1920)
#TheGolem (1920)
#Nosferatu (1922)
#Häxan (1922)
#TheManWhoLaughs (1928)
#ThePhantomoftheOpera (1925)
#Faust (1928)
#dercabinetdesdrcaligari #thegolem #nosferatu #haxan #themanwholaughs #thephantomoftheopera #faust