Das große Autisti guckt gerne #TheGoodDoctor, auch wenn die Darstellung etwas klischeehaft wirkt. Es gibt folgende Konversation (aus dem Gedächtnis): „Aber es interessiert mich nicht, wie sie sich fühlen“ – „Es muss dich nicht interessieren, aber du solltest es wissen, um eine gute Führungskraft zu sein.“
Das große Autisti ist begeistert.
Schaue grad #thegooddoctor
Dort beginnt grad die Pandemie
So viele #Flashbacks, oh my dear Schutzausrüstung
Wenn in #TheGoodDoctor zu #FlorenceAndTheMachine abgeshaked wird, ist es ein Traum
#thegooddoctor #florenceandthemachine
Ich konnte durch mein zeitlich begrenztes #DisneyPlus Abo zwar nur die 1. Staffel schauen, aber ich denke, als Person im #AutismusSpektrum steht es mir zu, meine Meinung zu #TheGoodDoctor zu äußern. Denn obwohl die #Krankenhausserie durchaus interessante Fälle präsentiert, scheitert sie an dem, was eigentlich das große Feature hätte sein sollen: dem autistischen Hauptcharakter.
#FilmeUndSerien #TVSerien #TVShows #Autismus #Neurodiversität
#disneyplus #autismusspektrum #thegooddoctor #krankenhausserie #filmeundserien #tvserien #tvshows #autismus #neurodiversitat
I am incredibly fucking glad that disgusting "I am a surgeon" meme died out
doesn't change that it shouldn't have happened in the first place - in context, it's an autistic man having a meltdown cause he was fired from his job thanks to ableism
Fuck every single person who shared around the meme, cause I'm sure no one could answer the question of "why do you find this moment so funny 🤔"
#thegooddoctor #autism #actuallyautistic #letmedreamwithofmd
#thegooddoctor #autism #actuallyautistic #letmedreamwithofmd
I saw some #ActuallyAutistic discourse about #TheGoodDoctor recently so I gave the show a try. My verdict: it’s good!
It’s a bit sentimental (especially the score in the pilot episode— thank goodness they turned down the treacly sentimental aggressive circle-of-fifths power chords in later eps) and contrived and of course, focused on a **young white male savant** which naturally makes one worry they’ll reinforce the Rain Man stereotype and (by implication) ignore all the other types of autistic people —
but they’re actually doing a really good job with that stereotype, breaking down the “inscrutable hostile arrogant flamboyant nerd” personality of Sheldon and Rain Man into its components and then building up a full character around it, not just using it for cheap laughs or dismissive superficial criticism. It’s a TV drama, not a master’s thesis or pop-psych article, so I’m quite pleased with the narrative and character-arc choices they’re making under the medium’s constraints.
For instance in ep 4 they show him having a meltdown about a leaky faucet, but make sure to show the buildup to the meltdown and explore how he desperately tries and fails to avoid the meltdown and why it’s important to him — it doesn’t just come out of nowhere, and it’s not just a throwaway overdramatized scene. They correctly use technical terms like “perseverate” and demonstrate that even though he is *painfully* aware of his flaws, just knowing isn’t enough to change them, and even mentioning them (like when he explains that he perseverates) can be offputting and come off as Sheldon-level arrogance when he’s really just trying to communicate clearly. Etc.
YMMV, might be worth a try
#actuallyautistic #thegooddoctor
I saw some #ActuallyAutistic discourse about #TheGoodDoctor recently so I gave the show a try. My verdict: it’s good!
It’s a bit sentimental (especially the score in the pilot episode— thank goodness they turned down the treacly sentimental aggressive circle-of-fifths power chords in later eps) and of course, focused on a **young white male savant** which naturally makes one worry they’ll reinforce the Rain Man stereotype and (by implication) ignore all the other types of autistic people —
but they’re actually doing a really good job with that stereotype, breaking down the “inscrutable hostile arrogant flamboyant nerd” personality of Sheldon and Rain Man into its components and then building up a full character around it, not just using it for cheap laughs or dismissive superficial criticism. It’s a TV drama, not a master’s thesis or pop-psych article, so I’m quite pleased with the narrative and character-arc choices they’re making under the medium’s constraints.
For instance in ep 4 they show him having a meltdown about a leaky faucet, but make sure to show the buildup to the meltdown and explore how he desperately tries and fails to avoid the meltdown and why it’s important to him — it doesn’t just come out of nowhere, and it’s not just a throwaway overdramatized scene. They correctly use technical terms like “perseverate” and demonstrate that even though he is *painfully* aware of his flaws, just knowing isn’t enough to change them, and even mentioning them (like when he explains that he perseverates) can be offputting and come off as Sheldon-level arrogance when he’s really just trying to communicate clearly. Etc.
YMMV, might be worth a try
#actuallyautistic #thegooddoctor
POLL : What did you think of The Good Doctor - Loves Labor?
#Poll #TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television
#poll #thegooddoctor #tv #television
ABC released Promotional Photos of The Good Doctor episode "Love’s Labor" (6.22/S06E22) https://what2vue.com/2023/04/27/abc-released-promotional-photos-of-the-good-doctor-episode-loves-labor/ #TheGoodDoctor #ABC
The Good Doctor - Season 6 - SPOILER Exits Show
#TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television
#thegooddoctor #tv #television
#BrandonLarracuente, who plays Dr. Daniel Perez on #ABC's #TheGoodDoctor, will depart the series at the end of the current sixth season. Larracuente was introduced in the second episode of this season in a role that was to be recurring but was quickly upped to a regular. Producers feel his story has run its natural course and he will be written out in the Season 6 finale, although he could possibly return in the future as a guest star.
#brandonlarracuente #abc #thegooddoctor
The Good Doctor - A Beautiful Day - Review: Emotional Schisms
#TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television #Review
#thegooddoctor #tv #television #review
The Good Doctor - Episode 6.22 - Loves Labor (Season Finale) - Promo, Promotional Photos + Press Release
#TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television #Trailers #Video #Promo #Photos #PressRelease
#thegooddoctor #tv #television #trailers #video #promo #photos #pressrelease
The Good Doctor - Episode 6.22 - Loves Labor (Season Finale) - Promo + Press Release
#TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television #Trailers #Video #Promo #PressRelease
#thegooddoctor #tv #television #trailers #video #promo #pressrelease
POLL : What did you think of The Good Doctor - A Beautiful Day?
#Poll #TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television
#poll #thegooddoctor #tv #television
THE GOOD DOCTOR: Season 6, Episode 21: A Beautiful Day Plot Synopsis & Air Date [ABC]
#FilmBook #TVShowNews #ABC #AntoniaThomas #ChristinaChang #FionaGubelmann #FreddieHighmore #NicholasGonzalez #PaigeSpara #TheGoodDoctor #TVShowNews #WillYunLee
#filmbook #tvshownews #abc #antoniathomas #christinachang #fionagubelmann #freddiehighmore #nicholasgonzalez #paigespara #thegooddoctor #willyunlee
The Good Doctor: ABC winkt Staffel 7 durch #TheGoodDoctor
The Good Doctor - Renewed for a 7th Season
#TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television #Renewed #Renewals
#thegooddoctor #tv #television #renewed #renewals
The Good Doctor - Renewed for a 7th Season
#TheGoodDoctor #TV #Television #Renewed #Renewals
#thegooddoctor #tv #television #renewed #renewals