#COLINPOPS Colin and Dame Margaret Bonniemore chat about this year's #BAFTA nominees for Supporting Actor, and Original Score.
#AllQuietOnTheWesternFront #TheBansheesofInisherin #BarryKeoghan #BrendanGleeson #KeHuyQuan #EddieRedmayne #AlbrechtSchuch #MichealWard #EmpireofLight #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #TheGoodNurse
#colinpops #bafta #allquietonthewesternfront #thebansheesofinisherin #barrykeoghan #brendangleeson #kehuyquan #eddieredmayne #albrechtschuch #michealward #empireoflight #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #thegoodnurse
#TheGoodNurse: A decent change of pace for a modern #serialkiller #biopic, but between the atmosphere and a few mismanaged performances, I still struggled to get into this.
Full review at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-good-nurse-2022-movie-review.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #medical #drama #jessicachastain #eddieredmayne #amyloughren #charlescullen #tobiaslindholm #krystywilsoncairns #RedRibbonReviewers
#thegoodnurse #serialkiller #biopic #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #medical #drama #jessicachastain #eddieredmayne #amyloughren #charlescullen #tobiaslindholm #krystywilsoncairns #redribbonreviewers
Today was a day for watching movies starting with “The”. Just watched “The Good Nurse” - very good! #TheGoodNurse #Movie
I had the opportunity to speak with #EddieRedmayne about #TheGoodNurse, which is now streaming on #Netflix. #awardsseason #FYC #film #movies https://www.solzyatthemovies.com/2022/12/01/eddie-redmayne-talks-the-good-nurse/
#Movies #Film #fyc #awardsseason #Netflix #thegoodnurse #EddieRedmayne
New from Solzy at the Movies Eddie Redmayne talks The Good Nurse
#film #movies #TheGoodNurse #Netflix #AwardsSeason #FYC
#fyc #awardsseason #Netflix #thegoodnurse #Movies #Film
I got to chat with Eddie Redmayne earlier this afternoon about #TheGoodNurse, which is currently streaming on #Netflix. #movies #film #awardsseason #fyc https://youtu.be/fOmRMCK4B0w
#fyc #awardsseason #Film #Movies #Netflix #thegoodnurse
Catching The Killer Nurse >>>> The Good Nurse
Obviously I’m always going to gravitate towards a documentary over a movie based on the story, but in this case the documentary had some great insight from the poison control docs and focused more on the fact that he killed many people who were recovering and even in the process of being discharged, completely discounting his claim that he was ending suffering. Just mind-blowing how many times he should have been caught. #TheGoodNurse
the incredible acting of #EddyRedman in #TheGoodNurse this tranquility in the gestures this softness in the voice while he is the angel of death (a very polite angel of death) the embodiment of composure this benevolence in monstrosity
Tratto da una storia vera.
La tensione e l'inquietudine salgono, sapientemente, piano piano.
Il film è impreziosito dalle grandi interpretazioni di
@jes_chastain e #EddieRedmayne.
📝Voto: 6,5
#21novembre #film #cinema #EddieRedmayne #thegoodnurse
Chocada q os hospitais não tiveram coragem de investigar o Charlie, fazendo com q várias pessoas morressem e ainda dificultaram a investigação da polícia. 😡 Fiquei muito tensa quando a Amy chegou em casa e ele tava com as crianças. 😰 #OEnfermeiroDaNoite (#TheGoodNurse)
#oenfermeirodanoite #thegoodnurse
Eddie Redmayne very good in The Good Nurse. Found it a chilling, riveting watch. #thegoodnurse
I'm watching The Good Nurse (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-good-nurse-2022 #TheGoodNurse #trakt