I posted this image to Google Plus on 1 August, 2011.
TEXT: Whoever designed the #qwerty keyboard and put the G next to the T had a cruel sense of humour.
I posted this image to Google Plus on 29 July 2011.
The text said:
Every day you go to work you are choosing #Hitler over #Jesus
#hitler #jesus #thegoogleplusfiles
I posted this image to Google Plus on 26 July 2011.
Back then we all thought it was funny to bully the 13 year old Rebecca Black and her song Friday.
I posted this image to Google Plus on 25 July 2011.
1. In 2003 David Blaine sat in a glass box besides the Thames for 44 days. I went to see him; it was boring as hell.
Looks like, 8 years later I still hadn't forgiven him.
2. In 2009 The Telegraph published details of corruption amongst MPs. It was a huge scandal. Obviously still big news 2 years later.
I posted this to Google Plus on 19 July 2011.
In 2011 when Google+ was losing heavily in its war against Facebook, I went all in on G+.
I used to write these "witty" handwritten notes and post photos of them to G+. I've just rediscovered them and so I'm going to create a thread and repost them here - with explainer notes where necessary.
This image is from 22 July 2011