Sly as a Fox:
I’m watching Ari Melber on MSNBC, talking about the recent NY Times report about Fox executives deliberately lying, to keep high ratings.
Apparently, a Zoom meeting was recorded, showing Fox hosts and executives plotting to lie about election results, because they lose viewers when they tell the truth!
This isn’t something anyone with a shred of common sense hasn’t known about Fox News, since it’s inception. They lie, they spread propaganda, and they take the ratings money, and run with it.
Hopefully, this recording will be submitted into evidence against Fox, and the Murdoch machine, but honestly, it probably won’t gain traction.
Half of the US Congress, and every red state government has been well aware of Fox’s les, but they do nothing about it, because it gets them elected.
They’re all in on the con, so Fox will receive nothing more than a slap on the wrist
#foxnewssucks #liarliar #foxliesonzoom #thegopconjob