🇬🇧 I recommend #TheGrandTour episode S05E02, in which gents visit and tour (among other things) Poland 😉.
🇵🇱 Polecam #TheGrandTour odcinek S05E02, w którym Panowie odwiedzają i zwiedzają (między innymi) Polskę 😉
TV TONIGHT (June 16)
#Outlander #HoffmanFamilyGold #TheGrandTour #Extraction2 #StanLee #CityOnFire #LovelyLittleFarm #TheCabinChronicles #TheUnXplained #SmackDown #MLB #USOpen #BelleCollective #100DayDreamHome #SinsOfTheFather #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #sinsofthefather #100daydreamhome #bellecollective #USOpen #mlb #smackdown #TheUnXplained #thecabinchronicles #lovelylittlefarm #cityonfire #stanlee #extraction2 #thegrandtour #hoffmanfamilygold #outlander
TV TONIGHT (June 16)
#Outlander #HoffmanFamilyGold #TheGrandTour #Extraction2 #StanLee #CityOnFire #LovelyLittleFarm #TheCabinChronicles #TheUnXplained #SmackDown #MLB #USOpen #BelleCollective #100DayDreamHome #SinsOfTheFather #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #sinsofthefather #100daydreamhome #bellecollective #USOpen #mlb #smackdown #TheUnXplained #thecabinchronicles #lovelylittlefarm #cityonfire #stanlee #extraction2 #thegrandtour #hoffmanfamilygold #outlander
@SunDancer Checking my watched list, without any particular order
#mrpickles #jonathanstrangeandmrnorrell #sharpobjects #luther #blackmirror #Beforeigners #raydonovan #watchmen #thenewpope #dark #theamericans #criminalgermany #criminalfrance #criminalspain #criminalunitedkingdom #girihaji #happy #Invincible #thedevilshour #ThePeripheral #goodomens #thesandman #theboys #theenglish #finalspace #InsideMan #thelegendofvoxmachina #talesfromtheloop #thegrandtour #clarksonsfarm
My favourite #TV shows include:
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #DeepSpaceNine #Voyager #Enterprise #LowerDecks #StrageNewWorlds
#StarWars #CloneWars #Rebels #TheBadBatch
#followfriday #tv #startrek #thenextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #enterprise #lowerdecks #stragenewworlds #starwars #clonewars #rebels #thebadbatch #stargate #sg1 #atlantis #doctorwho #battlestargalactica #theorville #fringe #eureka #thegreatnorth #rick #americandad #bobsburgers #clarksonsfarm #thegrandtour #thegreatbritishbakeoff #faultytowers #thegreatindoors #foundation #mash #cornergas #theredgreenshow #babylon5 #birdgirl #blackadder #brooklyn99 #community #dadsarmy #dirkgently #disenchantment #futurama #thehairybikers #hisdarkmaterials #theitcrowd #miranda #mrsbownsboys #nightcourt #thesandman #somebodyfeedphill #spaced #thestrangecalls #thethinblueline #travelman #waitingforgod #wednesday #yesminister #yesprimeminister
AI is good for something. #TheGrandTour #midjourney #Pixar
#pixar #midjourney #thegrandtour
Re-#Introduction time:
I'm Canadian
A #Lesbian
Go to a all #Girls #BoardingSchool
Have short blue hair
Gray eyes
Into Sci Fi
#Stargate SG1, Atlantis
#StarTrek TOS, TNG, DS9, Enterprise, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds
The Great British Bake Off #GBBO
#introduction #lesbian #girls #boardingschool #agnostic #flatchested #fantasy #anime #cosplay #manga #comics #doctorwho #battlestargalactica #stargate #starwars #startrek #gbbo #thegreatnorth #insidejob #thegrandtour
Now that I've spent some time on Mastodon, already made some fun friends, and decided to switch servers, I guess it's time for an #Introduction toot!
I'm a husband to my wonderful wife and dad of two crazy boys. I like gaming, tech, and gadgets. Most of my gaming is done on #PC/#PCGaming and iOS, but occasionally #Xbox. I love #SciFi, #Fantasy, #TopGear, #TheGrandTour.
I suffer from #Migraines and have recently been diagnosed with #ADHD #Anxiety and #Depression.
#introduction #pc #xbox #scifi #fantasy #topgear #thegrandtour #migraines #adhd #anxiety #depression
Hope one of the remaining specials of #TheGrandTour is the long-requested one where they each pick a secondhand car for one of the others. Though I suspect Clarkson’s might be missing an engine.
#TheGrandTour-Star Jeremy Clarkson hat vor kurzem übel gegen Meghan Markle ausgeteilt und dabei den Bogen überspannt. Das kostet ihn nun den Job bei #Amazon Prime Video. https://winfuture.de/news,134065.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Re-Introduction time:
I'm Canadian
A #Lesbian
Go to a all #Girls #BoardingSchool
Have short blue hair
Gray eyes
Into Sci Fi
#Stargate SG1, Atlantis
#StarTrek TOS, TNG, DS9, Enterprise, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds
The Great British Bake Off #GBBO
#lesbian #girls #boardingschool #agnostic #flatchested #fantasy #anime #cosplay #manga #comics #DoctorWho #battlestargalactica #stargate #starwars #startrek #gbbo #thegreatnorth #insidejob #thegrandtour
Nein, #Clarkson hat sich nicht entschuldigt. Er hat sich auf ganz doofe Weise raus geredet.
#TopGear #TheGrandTour #Amazon #Markle #TheSun
#thesun #markle #amazon #thegrandtour #topgear #clarkson
#JeremyClarkson #topgear #thegrandtour #meghanmarkle #MeghanAndHarry #racism Jeremy Clarkson - “In his op-ed, published on Friday (16 December) the 62-year-old wrote that he dreamt of the day Markle would be made to parade naked through Britain while the crowd chanted “shame” and threw “excrement” at her.”
WTF and of course Piers Morgan tries to defend it. It’s crazy people still harass her, racism is alive and well 😡
#jeremyclarkson #topgear #thegrandtour #meghanmarkle #MeghanAndHarry #racism
#Bild: Ich bin die niederträchtigste Zeitung der Welt
#TheSun: Hold my pinte
Ich kannte Jeremy #Clarkson bisher nur als den Clown von #TopGear und #TheGrandTour.
Was er aber über #MeghanMarkle geschrieben hat, ist einfach nur widerlich.
Sogar seine eigene Tochter hat ihm (zurecht) öffentlich widersprochen.
#meghanmarkle #thegrandtour #topgear #clarkson #thesun #bild
Quick #introduction since I mistakenly deleted the first. I mostly post links to #bookreviews (in English) and my #blogposts (in Slovene), so I won't flood your feed.
Main interests are #fictionbooks , some #movies and #tvseries (fan of #oldtopgear and #thegrandtour ).
#introduction #bookreviews #blogposts #fictionbooks #movies #tvseries #oldtopgear #thegrandtour
S2E5 #TheGrandTour is very tight production value and scripting. The hosts remain lovable morons.
Hmm, so viel zur Auswahl was ich heute schauen könnte
#thegrandtour #allyouneed #lastonelaughing