Update: The 'do I really need this piece?' piece are two climbing steps for kids getting in and out of the box. I don't have kids in the right age, but I decided to add the steps anyway. When the bike is finished they'll protect the front wheel fenders from getting trodded out of shape, and they're hard to add post assembly. If I want to sell the bike it's best if it's as versatile as possible.
#CargoBike #TheGreatAssembling #WhenYouBuyADanishBikeYouGetALegoBike
#whenyoubuyadanishbikeyougetalegobike #thegreatassembling #cargobike
Had to take a break from The Great Assembling since - yet again - the manual is hazy on which screws to use, and the images aren't helping.
#CargoBike #TheGreatAssembling #WhenYouBuyADanishBikeYouGetALegoBike
#whenyoubuyadanishbikeyougetalegobike #thegreatassembling #cargobike
I figured out where "middle" meant 'small middle' and where it meant 'large middle' - I hope. The box is keeping together, at least. I will continue tomorrow.
#CargoBike #TheGreatAssembling #WhenYouBuyADanishBikeYouGetALegoBike
#whenyoubuyadanishbikeyougetalegobike #thegreatassembling #cargobike
The Great Assembling is finally upon me. Ain't gonna' lie; this is The Worst assembly manual I've ever encountered. I was ready to cry when I realised it refered to bolts in small, medium, and large, but the bolts delivered are in _four_ sizes. Luckily I had help yesterday, or I wouldn't even have gotten this far.
#CargoBike #TheGreatAssembling #WhenYouBuyADanishBikeYouGetALegoBike
#whenyoubuyadanishbikeyougetalegobike #thegreatassembling #cargobike