The Tyee: Are These the End Times? Who Will Save Us? #bcnews #TheTyee - via #EndTimes:Elites,Counter-ElitesandthePathofPoliticalDisintegration #ComplexityScienceHubVienna #U.S.PresidentDonaldTrump #FranklinDelanoRoosevelt #historianPeterTurchin #popularimmiseration #TheGreatDepression #Americancivilwar #MargaretThatcher #medievalEurope #SecondWorldWar #U.S.democracy #cliodynamics #PenguinPress #RonaldReagan
#BCNews #TheTyee #endtimes #complexitysciencehubvienna #U #FranklinDelanoRoosevelt #historianpeterturchin #popularimmiseration #thegreatdepression #americancivilwar #margaretthatcher #medievaleurope #secondworldwar #cliodynamics #penguinpress #RonaldReagan
"And he stood up and I hit him, and it was crazy. It was one of those crazy moments and I look around and I was smiling, and I looked. Nobody moved, nobody stopped me. He was on the floor and I said, 'That’s what you did to my mother and father.' It was the most satisfying day of my life, ever, ever, still, to this day."
#thegreatdepression #economy #recession #cronycapitalism
This article is real, but the #Trump person here is probably not related to Donald. Please establish the relationship between Ross Trump and Donald Trump. I cannot find any #FamilyTree connection already established on any #genealogy site.
Let's not spread #misinformation!
This bank fraud case was during #TheGreatDepression (when there were a lot of banks having problems, a lot of folks writing bad checks, and a lot of men committing suicide over their financial situations), and the accused is a ROSS Trump.
The full article is available on #Newspapers-dot-com.
The Akron Beacon Journal (Akron, Ohio)
12 Apr 1935, Friday
Page 10
#trump #familytree #genealogy #misinformation #thegreatdepression #newspapers
@maxkennerly wasn’t that when wheels came off and the U.S. plunged into #TheGreatDepression ?
#Filmfest 815 #Cinema #TheSoutherner #DerMannausdemSüden #USA1945 #JeanRenoir #TheGreatDepression #GreatDepression #Farmer
Der Mann aus dem Süden (The Southerner, USA 1945) #Filmfest 815
#filmfest #cinema #thesoutherner #dermannausdemsuden #usa1945 #jeanrenoir #thegreatdepression #greatdepression #farmer
#Filmfest #Cinema #Movies #Film #DerClou #TheSting #RobertRedford #PaulNewman #GeorgeRoyHill #Oscar #Crime #Comedy #1930s #TheGreatDepression #Gaunerkomödie #USA1973
Der Clou (The Sting) #Filmfest 774
#filmfest #cinema #movies #film #derclou #thesting #robertredford #paulnewman #georgeroyhill #oscar #crime #comedy #1930s #thegreatdepression #gaunerkomodie #usa1973