Zen and the art of saving the planet or falling back in love with Mother Earth
#climatecrisis #TheGreatSimplification
#thegreatsimplification #climatecrisis
In dieser wie ich finde sehr schön weitwinkelperspektivischen Podcastfolge wird auch kurz dieses Buch erwähnt und das Thema des Verfalls bzw des notwendigen Umsteuerns diskutiert.
MMn zeichnet diesen Podcaster und viele seiner GästInnen aus, dass sie eine Stringenz und gleichzeitig Offenheit in ihrem Denken haben und damit interessante Lösungsansätze andeuten.
#thegreatsimplification #natehagens #joetainter #complexity
A developing Mordor economy is consuming human civilisation and the biosphere on which we all depend #energyblindness #climateemergency #TheGreatSimplification https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly90aGVncmVhdHNpbXBsaWZpY2F0aW9uLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz/episode/NjJlMGY4YjEtYWZhYS00YjBkLWJjNDQtOTI2MWNiMGNiODcz?ep=14
#thegreatsimplification #climateemergency #energyblindness
For most of humanity's time on Earth, we understood that our survival was a community enterprise. We're now suffering through the death throes of an aberrant experiment in hyper-individualism, and it's becoming clear to more and more that our future survival must be a community enterprise, and that the community is the world. We can't wait until the current system fails to create its replacement. We must do it now. Together.
#creatingabetterworld #neweraconvergence #thegreatsimplification