Une parution susceptible d'intéresser des agrégatives et agrégatifs d'anglais :
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight et The Green Knight, dir. Sandra Gorgievski et Martine Yvernault, éditions Ellipses, parution août 2023.
D'autres publications sur le sujet suivront. Bon courage et bonne lecture !
#agregationanglais #agregation #anglais #thegreenknight #médiévalisme #parution #moyenâge
#agregationanglais #agregation #anglais #thegreenknight #medievalisme #parution #moyenage
Petite pensée pour tous les agrégatifs - toutes disciplines confondues, mais je pense surtout à celles et ceux qui préparent l'agrégation d'anglais, pour qui je travaille activement ces jours-ci.
Nous tâchons de vous préparer des outils intéressants et efficaces (et bientôt disponibles !) pour étudier comme il se doit Sir Gawain and the Green Knight et le film de David Lowery.
Bon courage, et enjoy!
#agregation #agregationanglais #TheGreenKnight #Gawain #medieval #manuscript
#agregation #agregationanglais #thegreenknight #gawain #medieval #manuscript
Projet d'été (de dernière minute) : étude de The Green Knight (2021) de David Lowery - bon courage à tous les agrégatifs d'anglais !
Dieu que la photographie de ce film est belle...
#medieval #medievalism #movie #TheGreenKnight #agregationanglais #agregation
#medieval #medievalism #movie #thegreenknight #agregationanglais #agregation
Today I discovered a new book I need to read from Middle English literature: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In the medieval literature to be courageous and brave means to not be afraid of death (death understood as a metaphor of commitment and social responsibility). Sir Gawain is supposed to accept the Green Knight decapitation. But he doesn't want to die. He returns back to Camelot. This is supposed to be the end of England. But who wishes death?
#SirGawain #TheGreenKnight
Decided against watch #Mimic because I wanna work on my April #Watchlist and switched to #TheGreenKnight instead
#mimic #watchlist #thegreenknight
A fresh take on Arthurian legend explores the experience of "finding out."
#GamesPodcasts #WaypointRadio #WaypointPlus #thegreenknight
#gamespodcasts #waypointradio #waypointplus #thegreenknight
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #PS4 #tourdefrance #RedDeadRedemption2 #RDR2 #needforspeed #untildawn #thegreenknight
#ps4 #tourdefrance #reddeadredemption2 #rdr2 #needforspeed #untildawn #thegreenknight
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight translated by Simon Armitage
#bookstodon #SirGawain #Gawain #TheGreenKnight #SimonArmitage
#bookstodon #sirgawain #gawain #thegreenknight #SimonArmitage
The moral of this movie is "don't let your mouth write cheques your ass can't cash."
We're about a half hour into the movie, but I feel like the moral is probably "don't go about lobbing off heads all willy-nilly."
It is superb, and currently on Prime Video here in the UK.
#MovieReview #TheGreenKnight #blog #blogger #DevPatel #AliciaVikander #DavidLowery #RalphIneson #BarryKeoghan #film #cinema #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #PrimeVideo #streaming
#moviereview #thegreenknight #blog #blogger #devpatel #aliciavikander #davidlowery #ralphineson #barrykeoghan #film #cinema #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #primevideo #Streaming
FINALLY watched, and loved, The Green Knight. And realised I have a photo of me and . . . THE GREEN KNIGHT!
#TheGreenKnight #RalphIneson #movies #cinema #film #Primevideo #mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon
#thegreenknight #ralphineson #movies #cinema #film #primevideo #mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon
This evening, at our daughter’s insistence, we are going to rewatch #DavidLowery’s #TheGreenKnight, starring #DevPatel as #Gawain. This is one invented #Christmas tradition I can get behind.
#davidlowery #thegreenknight #devpatel #gawain #christmas
This evening, at our daughter’s insistence, we are going to rewatch #DavidLowery’s #TheGreenKnight, starring #DevPatel as #Gawain. This is one invented #Christmas tradition I ca get behind.
#davidlowery #thegreenknight #devpatel #gawain #christmas
I don't know who needs to hear this, but #TheGreenKnight is a #Christmas #film.
#thegreenknight #christmas #film
#NowWatching #TheGreenKnight #AlterNativityStories
#devpatel #aliciavikander #davidlowery #kingarthur #joeledgerton #films #movies #film #cinema #movie #barrykeoghan #sirgawain #ralphineson #greenknight #seanharris #sirgawainandthegreenknight #saritachoudhury #fantasy #moviereview #arthurian #midsommar #gawain #erinkellyman #katedickie #medieval #exmachina #cinematography
#nowwatching #thegreenknight #alternativitystories #devpatel #aliciavikander #davidlowery #KingArthur #JoelEdgerton #films #movies #film #cinema #movie #barrykeoghan #sirgawain #ralphineson #GreenKnight #seanharris #SirGawainAndTheGreenKnight #saritachoudhury #fantasy #moviereview #arthurian #midsommar #gawain #erinkellyman #katedickie #medieval #exmachina #cinematography
Jeden z mých top filmů za poslední roky (i když vím, že se jinak skoro nikomu nelíbil). Pohled přes kostýmy.
RT @NataniaBarron
1 - Hey folks! It's a surprise #threadtalk on the medieval theme of the moment: #TheGreenKnight! I just had to come out of hibernation to talk about what I saw in the theater.
Velvet! Crêpe! CROWNS! Pentagrams! I've got you covered. Well, at least *partially*. 📗🪓
Jeden z mých top filmů za poslední roky (i když vím, že se jinak skoro nikomu nelíbil). Pohled přes kostýmy.
RT @NataniaBarron
1 - Hey folks! It's a surprise #threadtalk on the medieval theme of the moment: #TheGreenKnight! I just had to come out of hibernation to talk about what I saw in the theater.
Velvet! Crêpe! CROWNS! Pentagrams! I've got you covered. Well, at least *partially*. 📗🪓
Yesterday I tweeted about not knowing #TheGreenKnight was filmed in Ireland.
If anyone watches #CocaineBear next year and thinks "that waterfall looks familiar"...also filmed in Ireland.
H/T Donald Clarke of @irishtimes
Trailer: https://youtu.be/Q8JrYFf0swM
Confirmation on IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14209916/
#thegreenknight #cocainebear #crazyworld
Colored alternates of #SophyHollington's artwork for #TheGreenKnight, arranged as a triptych.
#sophyhollington #thegreenknight #film #movies #fantasy #mastoart