it's the late Dudley Watkins' birthday today - have an article by me on his wartime Lord Snooty strips and the progress of the war as seen through Snooty's vicious, unrelenting battles to bash up the Nazis and make Hitler cry: #classiccomics #britishcomics #comics #thegutterreview
#classiccomics #britishcomics #comics #thegutterreview
Another fiction becomes reality moment with AI Art as predicted by Wagner & Grant in #2000AD:
BUT WHO? IS THE ARTIST: THE KENNY WHO TRILOGY AND THE REALITY OF AI ART #TheGutterReview EXTREMELY niche, micro targeted interview with Grant Morrison that centers on 80s/90s oddities like St Swithins Day and Big Dave. Highly recommended for… me, I guess, not sure who else. #grantMorrison #2000ad #BigDave #theGutterReview #stSwithinsDay #crisis
#grantmorrison #2000ad #bigdave #thegutterreview #stswithinsday #crisis