Remembering horror and slasher film icon Wes Craven on the anniversary of his death.
R.I.P. (1939 - 2015)
#RestInPeace #WesCraven #Scream #ANightmareOnElmStreet #TheHillsHaveEyes #SwampThing #DeadlyFriend #TheLastHouseOnTheLeft #Horror #HorrorMovies #Director #MutantFam #Art #FanArt #PopArt
#restinpeace #wescraven #scream #anightmareonelmstreet #thehillshaveeyes #swampthing #deadlyfriend #thelasthouseontheleft #horror #horrormovies #director #MutantFam #art #FanArt #popart
The one with the EYES 👀
#weirdhillstodieon #HashtagGames #thehillshaveeyes
On June 1, 1979, The Hills Have Eyes debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Michael Berryman art!
#TheHillsHaveEyes #WesCraven #MichaelBerryman #HorrorMovies #GrindhouseMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFilm #CultMovies #CultFilmArt #Drawing #Art #MovieHistory #MovieArt
#thehillshaveeyes #wescraven #michaelberryman #horrormovies #grindhousemovies #horrorart #horrorfilm #cultmovies #cultfilmart #drawing #art #moviehistory #movieart
#metal #rock #larsulrich #movie #movies #memes #thehillshaveeyes #mashup #mashups
120+ pages of #Grindhouse #Horror carnage!
Art by Arfon Jones, with Steve Denton & Atlantisvampir
Campaign features stunning prints by Chris Askham & Jonathan Scott
SLAUGHTERHOUSE FARM is a #grindhouse #horror #comic graphic novel inspired by classic films such as #TheTexasChainsawMassace & #TheHillsHaveEyes . The North Wales #slasher sees a group of campers fall foul of the monstrous farmer known as Pigfucker!
#slasher #thehillshaveeyes #thetexaschainsawmassace #comic #horror #grindhouse
#HappyBirthday to #DeeWallace, the versatile American actress and author, born Deanna Bowers, in Kansas City #OnThisDay in 1948. An ill-fated new mother in Wes Craven's #TheHillsHaveEyes ('77), she rose to fame as a succession of resilient mums in 80s genre fare, notably #ETTheExtraTerrestrial ('82) and #Cujo ('83), but other standouts in a prolific 48 year screen career include as the anchorwoman transforming into a werewolf on air in #TheHowling ('81) and the matriarch of Red Christmas (2016).
#happybirthday #deewallace #OnThisDay #thehillshaveeyes #ettheextraterrestrial #cujo #thehowling
Here's my 7 horror films to get to know me.
#TheHillsHaveEyes (Remake)
#alien #thehillshaveeyes #themist #theevildead2 #hellboy #poltergeist #30daysofnight #wearestillhere #7filmstoknowme #horror #horrormovies
@YayForThat @LukeySixx @MevsMatze I add to the 1970s:
#BlackChristmas (1974)
#DawnoftheDead (1978)
#TheWickerMan (1973)
#TheOmen (1976)
#TheHillsHaveEyes (1977)
#TheAmityvilleHorror (1979)
#Phantasm (1979)
#Zombie (1979)
#blackchristmas #dawnofthedead #thewickerman #theomen #thehillshaveeyes #theamityvillehorror #phantasm #zombie