Last night I started watching the #TheHollowCrown - a collection of Shakespeare's plays on the Kings of England. It features a who's who of British actors.
Because I was knitting, I was concentrating more on the words, than the on-screen action.
Half the time I had no idea what they were saying...then every now and then...the most exquisite phrase would make my heart lurch.
Worth it for those moments alone.
#thehollowcrown #shakespeare #beautifulwords
@Shine_McShine Lo siento Shine, pero entre William Shakespeare y la BBC se le adelantaron a HBO 😂:
Qui pour lancer sur Mastodon une French team du #shakespearesunday, jeu lancépar les fans de la fabuleuse série #TheHollowCrown? Chaque dimanche, on trouve une citation de #Shakespeare sur un thème donnéet on l’illustre avec un GIF ou une photo/vidéo sympa. Thème aujourd’hui: Reading and Writing!
#shakespeare #thehollowcrown #shakespearesunday