The hope project is very happy to welcome back hope project Poland for the weekend.
Philippa went with Adam and Zuzanna to buy the items we were desperately short of.
3 hours of shopping, 7 trollies packed with underwear, sun hats, sanitary towels, flip-flops, socks, t-shirts, and so much more!!!!
We would like to thank the people who made this possible, hope project Poland and Kjesti Ebbing and her fund raiser.
This support is sooooo needed at the moment.
With the world's media focus elsewhere, we are struggling to keep going. Without your support, we can not continue our work.
With so few groups left here and increasing arrivals, we are under more pressure than ever before.
Together, we are stronger!
#hope #hopeproject #thehopeproject #hopeprojectpoland #hopeprojectgreece #refugees #refugee #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #greece #lesvos #jumbo #donations #aid #refugeeaid #refugeedonations #refugeeclothes #refugeecharity #refugee
#hope #hopeproject #thehopeproject #hopeprojectpoland #hopeprojectgreece #refugees #refugee #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #greece #lesvos #jumbo #donations #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeedonations #refugeeclothes #refugeecharity
So many little ones this week!
Because of your support we have been able to provide the families with everything they need for the months ahead. ❤️
Together we are stronger!
Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
Amazon wish list:
#thehopeproject #hopeproject #togetherwearestronger #notjusthope #hope #refugee #refugees #family #families #kids #children #littleones #refugeefamilies #refugeefamily #refugeechildren #refugeekids #babies #refugeebabies #baby #refugeebaby
#thehopeproject #hopeproject #TogetherWeAreStronger #notjusthope #hope #refugee #refugees #family #families #kids #children #littleones #refugeefamilies #refugeefamily #refugeechildren #refugeekids #babies #refugeebabies #baby #refugeebaby
Saturday Eric and Philippa took some of our lovely artists for a day out to celebrate Eid Ul-Fitr.
The girls went shopping to buy eid gifts for all the members of the hope project.
We then went to the beach where the girls collected shells and got to see the beauty of Lesvos. It was the first time they had been out for a trip and seen the island
Later a small boat trip and lunch at a local restaurant.
It was such a fun day and a pleasure for the hope project to be able to do what it's best at.
Bring hope ❤️
Thank you for everyone who has made this possible.
Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
Amazon wish list:
#notjusthope #eid #eidelfitr #hopeproject #greece #thehopeproject #lesvos #refugee #refugees #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #shopping #dayout #daysout #hope
#notjusthope #eid #eidelfitr #hopeproject #greece #thehopeproject #lesvos #refugee #refugees #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #shopping #DayOut #daysout #hope
Our art project is busy everyday.
Currently most of the students are young ladies from Iran and Afghanistan.
They come every day and work hard to learn more and expand on their talent.
Its so important to them to have a safe and relaxing place to escape the daily stress of the camp.
Only with your support can we continue this vital project.
Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
Amazon wish list:
Philippa & Eric Kempson
The Hope Project
Warehouse K18
Kara Tepe
Mytilene, Lesvos
#hopeproject #refugee #refugees #art #artist #artists #painting #paintings #moriarefugee #thehopeproject #artproject #theartproject #painting #paintings #art #artists #artist #hope #notjusthope #refugeeart
#hopeproject #refugee #refugees #Art #artist #artists #painting #paintings #moriarefugee #thehopeproject #artproject #theartproject #hope #notjusthope #refugeeart
A big thank you to @multi_trier
Today we received 5 pallets of aid from them with much needed mens shoes and mens clothing also with items ready for the summer.
Thank you so much for your constant help and support.
We couldn’t do the without you.
Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
Amazon wish list:
#multitrier #multikulturelles #multikulturelleszentrum #multikulturelleszentrumtrier #refugee #refugees #refugeedistribution #aiddistribution #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #thehopeproject #thehopeprojectgreece #thehopeprojectlesvos #clothesforrefugees #refugeeclothes #aidforrefugees
#multitrier #multikulturelles #multikulturelleszentrum #multikulturelleszentrumtrier #refugee #refugees #refugeedistribution #aiddistribution #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #thehopeproject #thehopeprojectgreece #thehopeprojectlesvos #clothesforrefugees #refugeeclothes #aidforrefugees
Today, we received 16 pallets from the ever wonderful @flüchtlingsratulm.
The pallets were packed with everything we needed from shoes for adults, clothes, underwear and hygiene items.
We will work over the next days to unpack everything, the shoes are already going out to people.
Thank you so much to everyone in Ulm that made this possible.
You are truly amazing!!!
#fluchtlingsratulm #refugeeclothes #refugeehelp #itemsforrefugees #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece #helpingrefugees #clothesforrefugees #refugeeaid #refugee #flüchtlingsrat #refugees #hopeproject #aid #thehopeproject #humanitarian #humanitarianaid #aidingrefugees #hopeprojectgreece #notjusthope
#fluchtlingsratulm #refugeeclothes #refugeehelp #itemsforrefugees #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece #helpingrefugees #clothesforrefugees #RefugeeAid #refugee #fluchtlingsrat #refugees #hopeproject #aid #thehopeproject #humanitarian #humanitarianaid #aidingrefugees #hopeprojectgreece #notjusthope
Without hope, all that remains is fear and dispare!
Every day, we embrace hope.
Hope is the power that drives us on.
With hope, we continue.
This young lady and her family paid us a visit today.
Just 32 days old.
Hope is our strength and our power to continue every day.
#baby #babies #refugees #refugee #hope #youngrefugee #youngrefugees #younglady #youngbaby #youngbabies #hopeproject #thehopeproject #nextgeneration #thenextgeneration #ourhope #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece #refugeebaby #refugeebabies #hopeful
#baby #babies #refugees #refugee #hope #youngrefugee #youngrefugees #younglady #youngbaby #youngbabies #hopeproject #thehopeproject #nextgeneration #thenextgeneration #ourhope #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece #refugeebaby #refugeebabies #hopeful
Although all the items we distribute at the Hope Project are important. Our favorite is always giving toys to the kids.
This week with the help of Moria White Helmets we were able to give a bag of toys to all the kids in the camp for Christmas.
These bags of toys are incredible, not just because the kids are so happy to have them. The bags are packed by children in Austria for children in Lesvos.
It's such a beautiful thing that brings so much joy and also teaches kids to care.
This week we received 7 pallets, and 850 bags of toys!
We will continue to distribute through the next months to every child that visits the Hope Project and be able to make a special camp distribution again for Eid.
We would like to give a special thanks to Vorarlberger Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen and Nina Rainalter for their amazing hard work and support.
Amazing work! Thank you so much for sending so much love to the children of the camp, because of you they do not feel forgotten.
#eid #christmas #moriawhitehelmets #refugees #refugee #thehopeproject #kidstoys #childrenspresents #toys #presents #hope #hopeproject #childrenstoys #kidspresents #moria #moria2 #refugeetoys #refugeepresents #eidtoys #christmaspresents
#eid #christmas #MoriaWhiteHelmets #refugees #refugee #thehopeproject #kidstoys #childrenspresents #toys #presents #hope #hopeproject #childrenstoys #kidspresents #moria #Moria2 #refugeetoys #refugeepresents #eidtoys #christmaspresents