@thrashcardiom Just wanted to say thanks again for highlighting Matthew Herbert's "The Horse Finds a Voice" a couple of months back. I've listened to it multiple times and now have the album ("The Horse") which is astonishingly good. If I'd read about it before I heard it I might have thought it was gimmicky - but it's terrific - sonically and also archetypally (can't think of a better way of putting it).
(Yep, this has bonus #TheonCross)
#theoncross #matthewherbert #thehorse
53 years ago:
The Horse (DE,FR,IT)
Original title: La Horse
Auguste Maroilleur, an elderly farmer, exploits 400 hectares of crop land with the help of his family, over which he rules with an iron hand. Things go awry the day he discovers one of his grandsons is involved in drug traffic. To make matters worse, the reckless youth has hidden the white powder in...
#TheHorse #PierreGranierDeferre #JeanGabin #ReinhardKolldehoff #ClassicFilm #Movies
#thehorse #pierregranierdeferre #jeangabin #reinhardkolldehoff #classicfilm #movies