Also, wenn ich nicht schon längst begeisterter Nutzer von @filmfriendVOD wäre, dann würde ich JETZT einsteigen! Was für ein geiles Programm!
#Eolomea #DerSchweigendeStern #UnderTheSkin #TheWhisperingStar #TheHost #PerfectSense #Snowpiercer uva.
#snowpiercer #perfectsense #thehost #thewhisperingstar #UnderTheSkin #derschweigendestern #eolomea
Riker’s slept with Deanna, Ro, and Beverly. Am I missing anyone?
#allstartrek #startrektng #tng #thehost
Is anyone even worried about what effect this is having on Riker? Like major organ damage. They only seemed to be worried about Odan.
#allstartrek #startrektng #tng #thehost
Of all the people it had to be lady’s man Riker.
#allstartrek #startrektng #tng #thehost
Beverly and Deanna have a great friendship. #AllStarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TNG #TheHost @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrektng #tng #thehost
Writer 1: What creative name should we give to the moons of an alien planet located hundreds of light years from Earth?
Writer 2: I dunno, Alpha and Beta.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TheHost
#allstartrek #startrektng #thehost
Funny how Dax used transporters all the time. #AllStarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TheHost
#allstartrek #startrektng #thehost
Tonight on a special Valentines Day edition of #AllStarTrek Spock finds love in the ice age and Beverly finds love with a slug. #StarTrek #AllOurYesterdays #StarTrekTNG #TheHost
#allstartrek #startrek #allouryesterdays #startrektng #thehost
Le réalisateur de #Parasite revient au cinéma avec #TheHost 🦎
Le chef-d'oeuvre de Bong Joon Ho ressortira le 8 mars au cinéma dans une toute nouvelle version 4K.
Voici la nouvelle affiche définitive.
Bande-annonce demain 😉
2023 sera beau : Bong Joon-Ho revient sur grand écran avec sa toute nouvelle version restaurée 4K de son film de monstre #TheHost.
En attendant de vous annoncer d'autres surprises autour de la sortie, voici l'affiche teaser 😉
Le 8 mars au cinéma 🦎✨
2023 sera beau : Bong Joon-Ho revient sur grand écran avec sa toute nouvelle version restaurée 4K de son film de monstre #TheHost.
En attendant de vous annoncer d'autres surprises autour de la sortie, voici l'affiche teaser 😉
Le 8 mars au cinéma 🦎✨
RT @thejokersfilms
2023 sera beau : Bong Joon-Ho revient sur grand écran avec sa toute nouvelle version restaurée 4K de son film de monstre #TheHost.
En attendant de vous annoncer d'autres surprises autour de la sortie, voici l'affiche teaser 😉
Le 8 mars au cinéma 🦎✨
Group presentations in my Intro to #cinema class the next 2 weeks. I’m looking forward to them because I don’t have to stand up there and talk and because I’m curious to learn what they think of the films. We’ve focused on #sciencefiction #films from the Anglosphere, and now we’re stepping outside that. The films are:
1.) #Solaris - #AndreiTarkovsky
2.) #Alphaville - #JeanLucGodard
3.) #NeptuneFrost - #SaulWilliams
4.) #TheHost - #BongJoonHo
#litstudies #filmstudies #bongjoonho #thehost #saulwilliams #neptunefrost #JeanLucGodard #alphaville #andreitarkovsky #solaris #films #sciencefiction #cinema
To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same
#blackadder #endersgame #babylon5 #thehost #startrek #thedeadzone #goodomens #jackfinney #asimov
10 #Horrormovies to get to know me.
#TheHost (2006) dir Bong Joon-Ho
#thehost #agirlwhowalkshomealoneatnight #LetTheRightOneIn #OneCutOfTheDead #TrainToBusan #CrimesOfTheFuture #malignant #barbarian #InTheMouthOfMadness #theritual #horrormovies
@Soilent richtig schöne Review und #TheHost ist echt gut, verdient den genaueren Blick
Mein Watch wurde ein bisschen von der aktuellen Zeit getrübt und das schlecht gealterte CGI
Dennoch echt ein #Filmtipp und Danke für deine Review und Erinnerung an dieses weirde Werk aus Korea :)