I see journalists are finding #fediverse too hard. 🤨
Imagine trying to teach them unbiased journalism 🙄 #thehumanity
We spend millions on space research, yet not a dime on finding out why poor people keep voting for people with deep pockets :blobcatpeek2:
Being well-educated just means you are confused on a higher level
Ελα ρε seeder ξυπνα, λιγο εμεινε να ουμε :blobcatpeek2: :blobcatcoffee:
"Let the plebs stay home and protect themselves, the others and the NHS. The laws and rules are not meant for us, my dear friends"
This could easily be Boris's toast during #PartyGate 🤡
#PartyGate #uk #ukpolitics #thehumanity
Καλά θα πάει αυτό... #thehumanity
Did the U.S. blow up Nord Stream if there is no media to report it?
or rather...
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
"We could all do with a handy Bullshit Translator"
Source: The Canary
#uk #ukpolitics #energy #thehumanity
Τρέχουν τα ζωάκια να κρυφτούν σήμερα απτή λαιμαργία σας 😝
"Public service versus self service"