I'm pretty certain Gaia is not happy with us in the least....
#thehumanrace #nature #climatechange
You know what Podcasts and the “world of podcasts” Have become something special. It is amazing how there is a podcast for almost any subject in the world. The best part is that the hostess/host is just an everyday person like you and I sharing their world their view. Sometimes they tell us stories or share knowledge… sometimes they share a recipe or help you learn another language
Yes it is a beautiful thing.
#thehumanrace #community #podcasting #podcast
Humanity summed up using no more than a mere seven different words ⬇️
#humanity #we #us #thehumanrace #verse #poetry #poem #planet #Earth #environment #nature #WritingCommunity #WeekendReads #weekend #SaturdayVibes
#humanity #we #us #thehumanrace #verse #poetry #poem #planet #earth #environment #nature #writingcommunity #weekendreads #weekend #saturdayvibes
Questo mese per garantire un futuro migliore ai figli degli altri (io non ne ho) ho corso 36.9 km per l'iniziativa #TheHumanRace che vuole attirare la vostra attenzione su un fatto: i paesi ricchi avevano promesso da un decennio di dare 100 miliardi di dollari all'anno ai paesi impoveriti per fronteggiare la #climatecrisis. Il tempo delle chiacchiere è finito. #fridaysforfuture
#fridaysforfuture #climatecrisis #thehumanrace
In the race against the climate crisis, we can’t leave anyone behind. Join #TheHumanRace