Oh, #TheIdol was canceled?? Shocker. That finale “twist” was absolute bullshit and laughed in the face of anyone who thought the show actually had anything of substance to say.
https://www.wacoca.com/kpop/798230/k-pop-drama/2023-08-29/ BLACKPINK ジェニー出演「THE IDOL/ジ・アイドル」シーズン2の制作が白紙に…扇情的なシーンに批判も #BLACKPINK #drama #K-POP #K-POPDrama #Kstyle #KstyleDrama #THEIDOL/ジ・アイドル #ジェニー #ニュース #韓国 #韓国アイドル #韓国エンタメ情報 #韓国ドラマ #韓国俳優 #韓国映画 #韓国芸能 #韓流 #韓流スター
#blackpink #drama #k #kstyle #kstyledrama #theidol #ジェニー #ニュース #韓国 #韓国アイドル #韓国エンタメ情報 #韓国ドラマ #韓国俳優 #韓国映画 #韓国芸能 #韓流 #韓流スター
La serie #TheIdol protagonizada por #LilyRoseDepp y #TheWeeknd ha sido cancelada después de su primera temporada en #HBO https://www.cinemascomics.com/the-idol-cancelada-despues-de-1-temporada/
#theidol #lilyrosedepp #theweeknd #hbo
Szép bullshit a #TheIdol kaszálásáról. Azt mégsem mondhatták, hogy gyenge sorozat volt, és nem is nézték sokan. 😁
“After much thought and consideration, HBO, as well as the creators and producers have decided not to move forward with a second season."
Pink News: HBO cancels The Idol after just one season https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/29/hbo-cancels-the-idol/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #lilyrosedepp #Television #TheWeeknd #TheIdol #HBO #TV #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #lilyrosedepp #television #theweeknd #theidol #hbo #TV #us
#HBO has cancelled #TheIdol after a single season. The series starred #LilyRoseDepp and #AbelTesfaye, aka #TheWeeknd.
#hbo #theidol #lilyrosedepp #abeltesfaye #theweeknd
HBO Cancels "The Idol" After One Season
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/08/hbo-cancels-the-idol.html #TheIdol #HBO
Se escludiamo la fotografia super patinata, le scene hot e la stupenda #LilyRoseDepp, di questa serie non resta praticamente nulla.
📝Voto: 4,5
"The idol" created by Reza Fahim; Sam Levinson; The Weeknd, St.1x05 ep. , 2023.
#theidol #lilyrosedepp #serietv #31luglio
Slowly making my way through #TheIdol. It's interesting enough, but not so that I must watch it all right away.
I know it has been forever, but I finally finished #TheIdol on HBO. I finally got the power move flip-flop that I wanted since episode 2! It just took way longer than I wanted.
In the end, I don’t think the show deserved all the hate it got. I do think it was pretentious and self-congratulatory. But not the absolute flop that I’ve heard it called.
The Idol ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ #TraktLog #MastoTrakt #Konsensus https://trakt.tv/shows/the-idol-2023 #TheIdol #trakt
#trakt #theidol #konsensus #mastotrakt #traktlog
Dominic Fike has seen — and likes — #TheIdol, HBO’s controversial series created by the Weeknd and #Euphoria mastermind Sam Levinson: “If it’s released by Sam Levinson, it’s probably misunderstood.” https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2023-07-06/dominic-fike-euphoria-sunburn-hunter-schafer #press
There was a good story to be told under the fuckery that is #TheIdol
I feel bad for Lily-Rose Depp that this is her first major project cuz she killed what she was given to work with, I’m glad reviewers are giving her credit.
I almost feel bad for The Weekend cuz he has no place on even the small screen…he should stick to his one-note music career.
I’m not even really thinking of how the show was made since that’s such a mess, the end results speaks that in volumes.
Creo que #Celebrity de Netflix logró lo que #TheIdol no pudo, con solo ver un capítulo de The Idol supe que era un fiasco, un pseudo 50 Shades of Grey pero con contantes de moda. Recomendada Celebrity, muestra el lado oscuro de los influencers.
"The Idol (TV series)" was the most viewed wikipedia page on 3 July 2023, just about 788,921 times!
🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Wikipedia anglophone ?
1. The Idol (TV series) #TheIdol(TvSeries)
2. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny #IndianaJonesAndTheDialOfDestiny
3. Sofia Kenin #SofiaKenin
#theidol #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #sofiakenin