I'm wishing that #consumerelectronics were designed for the ordinary consumer rather than for #computerexperts. #ReplacingTheRouter has turned into #TheIliad and #TheOdyssey.
#consumerelectronics #computerexperts #replacingtherouter #theiliad #theodyssey
My new #BedtimeBook is The Iliad which I last read nearly four decades ago. The translation is by E. V. Rieu and I’d forgotten quite how beautifully it was written. It’s a joy to read.
#bedtimebook #theiliad #homer #evrieu
Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus' son Achilles,
murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses, hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls, but made their bodies carrion, feasts for the dogs & birds & the will of Zeus was moving toward its end.
Begin, Muse, when the 2 first broke & clashed, Agamemnon lord of men & brilliant Achilles. What god drove them to fight w/such a fury?
MT VOID #2258: Film reviews of #MarryMe #Bros #BulletTrain, letter of comment on #TheIliad #Homer, book comments on #TheMountainInTheSea #RayNayler #ThePurchaseOfTheNorthPole #JulesVerne #TheHillsOfHomicide #LouisLAmour at http://leepers.us/mtvoid/VOID0113.htm from @eleeper and #MarkRLeeper
#marryme #bros #bullettrain #theiliad #homer #themountaininthesea #raynayler #thepurchaseofthenorthpole #julesverne #thehillsofhomicide #louislamour #markrleeper
MT VOID #2257: Film reviews of #WoodlandsDarkAndDaysBewitched #LovingHighsmith #PatriciaHighsmith #BrainwashedSexCameraPower, book comments on #TheIliad #Iliad #Homer at http://leepers.us/mtvoid/VOID0106.htm from @eleeper and #MarkRLeeper
#woodlandsdarkanddaysbewitched #LovingHighsmith #patriciahighsmith #brainwashedsexcamerapower #theiliad #iliad #homer #markrleeper
#ArtAdventCalendar day 13
One of my old comics - basically the best part of The Iliad
Horse Prophecy, 2017, digital
#ArtAdventCalendar #artist #mastoart #comics #theiliad
I came across a clip of #BorisJohnson reciting #TheIliad from an event in 2013. So I slowed it down and laid it over the Jabba the Hutt scene in Return of the Jedi. You can barely tell the difference.
Why did the Greeks not get cold when besieging Troy?
Because they had Menelaus. 😇
#HorriblePuns #Puns #TheIliad #ReadItOutLoudForTheFullHorror #IWouldApologiseButI'mNotGoingTo
#iwouldapologisebuti #readitoutloudforthefullhorror #theiliad #puns #horriblepuns