Tonight's #podcast listening includes @astronomycast, #NPR #TheIndicator from #PlanetMoney, #PlanetMoney, and then backlog #UniverseToday and #TheAncientWorld. I *might* get started on #HannibalAndThePunicWars podcast. That'll be either tonight or tomorrow.
#Podcast #npr #theindicator #planetmoney #universetoday #theancientworld #hannibalandthepunicwars
Just finished the last of the three #NPR #PlanetMoney summer school podcast series.
I've been enjoying Planet Money and the related podcast #TheIndicator.
#npr #planetmoney #theindicator
just realized i haven't made my nightly #podcast post.
Tonight's #podcasts are a lot of dailies and monthlies that i've been building up. I've got #DoctorWho #RealityBomb, #Verity, #BBCWitnessHistory, #UniverseToday, #NPR #ShortWave, #ConsiderThis, and #PlanetMoney's #TheIndicator.
#Podcast #podcasts #doctorwho #realitybomb #verity #bbcwitnesshistory #universetoday #npr #shortwave #considerthis #planetmoney #theindicator
and so begins another night at work. let's see what surprises tonight has in store.
Tonight's #podcast listening includes #UniverseToday, #TheIndicator from #NPR #PlanetMoney, #RadioFreeSkaro, #Revolutions (currently listening to the French Revolution series), and @bhp.
Once I get my daily podcasts done, lots of history on tap.
#Podcast #universetoday #theindicator #npr #planetmoney #radiofreeskaro #revolutions
Tonight's #podcast listening includes #UniverseToday, #NPR #TheIndicator from #PlanetMoney, #RadioFreeSkaro, #2MinuteTimelord, #GallifreyPublicRadio, and #Verity. Lots of #DoctorWho podcasts on deck for tonight I see. (and scrolling through my backlog, looks like it's going to be a week of 7 year old doctor who podcast episodes galore)
#Podcast #universetoday #npr #theindicator #planetmoney #radiofreeskaro #2minutetimelord #gallifreypublicradio #verity #doctorwho
Here are the #podcasts I usually follow:
#PlanetMoney #ProfessorBuzzkill #RadioLab #KERAThink #Throughline #TheIndicator #SlickTalk #HelloRoad #HiddenBrain
As you can see, a little heavy with #NPR, but I am OK with that
#podcasts #planetmoney #professorbuzzkill #radiolab #kerathink #throughline #theindicator #slicktalk #helloroad #hiddenbrain #npr
I love #knitting and have been doing it forever. I also like #reading, #skiing, #sewing, #girlscoutleading, and the #oxfordcomma, as well as different volunteer efforts like #boomerangbags. Major #climate anxiety. I nerd out listening to #economics podcasts like #marketplace, #planetmoney, #theindicator, #freakonomics, and also #hiddenbrain because brain science and #neuropsychology are cool. #math #mathgeek
#mathGeek #Math #Climate #Canada #boston #neuropsychology #hiddenbrain #freakonomics #theindicator #planetmoney #marketplace #economics #boomerangbags #oxfordcomma #girlscoutleading #sewing #skiing #Reading #knitting #Introduction