What A Guy · @yagathai
14 followers · 136 posts · Server retro.pizza

Oh no, did someone make another shit adaptation of Shadow over Innsmouth? Well I guess I'm watching it.

#hplovecraft #theinnsmouthlook #itsbeginningtolookalotlikefishmen

Last updated 1 year ago

Playing and watching the inspirations leads me to ponder the role of skepticism and doubt in game mechanics.

For example, in and there's always an obvious surface solution. In the former, it's some kind of monster and in the latter it's an alibi.

Many games have great mechanics for uncovering clues and testing hypotheses ( is great at this), but I think you might be able to make Doubt itself a resource.

#theinnsmouthlook #scoobydoo #pokerface #BrindlewoodBay #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

I keep trying to concisely sum up my current home campaign .

I can't believe it took me until yesterday to think of "Lovecraft is Strange."

#theinnsmouthlook #horror #ttrpg #lifeisstrange #lovecraft

Last updated 2 years ago

Anyone got cool mer-/fish-folk inspirational art?

The Deep Ones in have radically different appearances based on their personalities and the way they interact with the ocean, so all sorts of inspirations are great.

My favorites so far: Ursula, the Gill-man from "The Creature From the Black Lagoon," the similar character from "The She-Creature," Doug Jones' characters in "Hellboy" and "The Shape of Water," and Melissa Benson art.

#theinnsmouthlook #mtg #ttrpg #lovecraft #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

"The Little Mermaid" was a hit with Innsmouth kids of all ages. For them, it was a cute story about a fishgirl following her dreams and eventually winning family approval.

It was less popular with older residents, particularly the very elderly who remembered the Raid. They saw it as candy-coated encouragement to leave the ocean, evocative of Arkham rich marrying into local families to acquire land.

Attempts to ban it under obscenity laws failed.

#lovecraft #theinnsmouthlook #horror #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

So, as I play campaign, I realize I'm shifting a lot of the feelings about queerness and femininity I project onto monstrosity work really well with Deep Ones.

At the extremes, where I write queer mess vampires and devour fiction, I call that the madonna/horror complex. But there are also subtler aspects that fit well with characters with subtler kinds of outsiderness.

#theinnsmouthlook #morathi #ttrpg #horror #lovecraft

Last updated 2 years ago

Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a day.

Make a man a fish and he will dwell in the darkling depths to wait out the aeons until he may devour the sun.

#ttrpg #theinnsmouthlook #lovecraft #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

Why did Lovecraft call them "Deep Ones" when he only shows them near the shore?

#lovecraft #theinnsmouthlook #horror #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Something that occurred to me while doing research for :

We usually think of Nyarlathothep as a major god.

But in his first appearance ("Nyarlathotep," 1920), he's presented as someone who travels the dying Earth demonstrating strange uses of electricity and projecting images onto a screen.

So I think we really need an adaptation of him as a weird, perhaps tyrannical film director.

Maybe with an occult bent?

#theinnsmouthlook #kubrick #lovecraft #horror #ttrpg #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Anyone have advice or recommendations for mapping tutorials/tools for modern urban areas?

I'd like to rough out a map for , which takes place in the mid-90s.

I found a neat map of the downtown area at the time of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," based on Lovecraft's original sketch. But I'd like to do more of the town, suburbs, and environs.


#theinnsmouthlook #ttrrpg #lovecraft #horror #callofcthulhu #amwriting #maps

Last updated 2 years ago