U.S. State Department "encouraged" the Pakistani government to remove Imran Khan as PM over his neutrality on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a classified document obtained by #theIntercept.
Heidi and the Sesemann family move from Frankfurt to Florida. #111Words #Heidi #Florida #AntiTransLaws #Nicknames #TheIntercept #MissRottenmeier #Adelheid #FloridaSchools #OrangeCounty #Orlando https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/heidi-and-sesemann-family-move-from.html
#orlando #orangecounty #Floridaschools #adelheid #missrottenmeier #theintercept #nicknames #antitranslaws #florida #heidi #111words
https://theintercept.com/2023/08/05/war-criminal-clint-lorance-trump-pardon/ Let's not forget the other horrific things Trump has done that may not be crimes, like pardoning murders and criminals #trump #theintercept #press
#Chevron responded by suing #Donziger in the U.S. for $60 billion — for scale, that’s roughly one Koch brother. #TheIntercept and others have noted that Chevron’s case against Steven hinged on a witness that Chevron had paid “hundreds of thousands” of dollars, and a judge with “a soft spot” for the #OilCompany. Though damages were dropped, Donziger was found guilty, disbarred, imprisoned, placed on house arrest, and remains unable to leave the country.
#oilcompany #theintercept #Donziger #chevron
#TheIntercept Lawsuit targets FBI Probe of Racial Justice Activists
#theintercept #trevoraaronson #blm #blacklivesmatter #acab
https://theintercept.com/2023/08/01/fbi-infiltrate-activists-first-amendment/ #theintercept #press If you haven't listened to Alphabet Boys, you should, it is about the only podcast I am a huge fan of.
#TheIntercept Reveals #BorderPatrol Is #CagingMigrantsOutdoors in Deadly #Arizona Heat
Barbaric #racist #xenophobic scum!
#democracynow #theintercept #borderpatrol #cagingmigrantsoutdoors #arizona #racist #xenophobic
Samuel Alito’s Wife Leased Land to an Oil and Gas Firm While the Justice Fought the EPA
#TheIntercept #SamuelAlito #OilAndGasLease #SupremeCourt #EnvironmentalProtectionAgency #ConflictsOfInterest #Politics #News
#theintercept #samuelalito #oilandgaslease #supremecourt #environmentalprotectionagency #conflictsofinterest #politics #news
Un agent du FBI s'est passer en ligne pour un terroriste islamiste et a sollicité d'un adolescent de 16 ans l'envoi de "dons".
Il a tenté également à plusieurs reprises de le convaincre d'embarquer dans un avion à destination de la Syrie.
Le jeune Mateo Ventura a par 2 fois refusé de rejoindre Isis et le FBI l'a finalement arrété dès ses 18 ans pour avoir "financé une entreprise terroriste" avec des don de quelques dizaines de $.
Détail d'importance, l'adolescent avait été diagnostiqué comme ayant des "problèmes de développement cérébral".
#FBI #Isis #CrimeInducing #TheIntercept
#fbi #isis #crimeinducing #theintercept
Check out A Is for Abuse: The Saga of For-Profit Schooling in Africa #ForProfitSchools #Africa #Deconstructed #Podcast https://play.stitcher.com/episode/301193800 #TheIntercept
#theintercept #Podcast #deconstructed #Africa #forprofitschools
Survivors of Kissinger’s Secret War in Cambodia Reveal Unreported Mass Killings
The Intercept : https://theintercept.com/2023/05/23/henry-kissinger-cambodia-bombing-survivors/
#fedinews #TheIntercept #HenryKissinger #USA #KillerUSA #KillerHenry #Combodia #BringJustice
#fedinews #theintercept #henrykissinger #usa #killerusa #killerhenry #combodia #bringjustice
O namoro entre a Lava Jato e a Rede Globo
The Press is Falling for Anti-Abortion “Fetal Heartbeat” Propaganda
#TheIntercept #AbortionPropaganda #FetalHeartbeat #PressCoverage #ReproductiveRights #JournalismEthics #Politics #News
#theintercept #abortionpropaganda #fetalheartbeat #presscoverage #reproductiverights #journalismethics #politics #news
Los pergaminos de un Nobel de la Paz 😬
#Kissinger #HenryKissinger #TheIntercept
Kissinger’s Killing Fields
Interviews with more than 75 witnesses and survivors of U.S. military attacks and an exclusive archive of documents show that Henry Kissinger is responsible for even more civilian deaths in Cambodia than was previously known.
#kissinger #henrykissinger #theintercept
Now Lee is at the @freedomofpress foundation and "#TheIntercept*, and he's working on a book: "Hacks, Leaks and Revelations," is a practical manual for whistleblowers, reporters and investigators. Subtitled "The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data," it's out in November:
Meanwhile, Lee has put swathes of the book online for early perusal:
@autonomysolidarity Take that with a truckload of salt, since #TheIntercept snitched on their sources several times.
Most notably: #RealityWinner...
Dominion Was Never Going To Save Our Democracy From Fox News #TheIntercept #Fox #Dominion http://mwyr.es/3A7obnN
@masterdon @lauren I mean it was obvious she'd face a show trial after being basically tortured for years with sleep deprivation and solidarity confinement.
I'm pretty shure that that gun in return will be let off the hook with probation, fine and getting fired at most, far less than what #RealityWinner got after #TheIntercept snitched on her.
Must read.
The propaganda is blinding.
New York Times Makes Glaring Error About Iraq War — Then Corrects It Incorrectly
#journalism #disinformation #IraqWar #NYT #ethics #propaganda #wmd #theintercept
#journalism #disinformation #iraqwar #nyt #ethics #propaganda #wmd #theintercept
Undercover FBI Agent CAUGHT Trying to Entrap Activists
#news #politics #uspolitics #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews #theintercept #FBI
#news #politics #uspolitics #tyt #theyoungturks #breakingnews #theintercept #fbi