El intrigante The Invincible llegará en formato físico para PlayStation 5 y Xbox Series X
#noticias #11bitstudios #starwardindustries #theinvincible
The Invincible, el juego de ciencia ficción basado en el universo de Stanisław Lem, llega en formato físico para PS5, XBSX y PC. Explora el planeta Regis III, busca a tu tripulación y toma decisiones que afectarán al final. Reserva ya la Edición Signature con extras exclusivos. #TheInvincible #PS5 #XBSX #PC
Als Fan von #StanislawLem’s großartigem
Roman ist @11bitstudios’ #TheInvincible natürlich eins meiner Spiele-Highlights des Jahres! Am 6.11. geht’s endlich los! https://youtu.be/9-KvfzwdAqw
The Invincible, svelata la data di uscita
#11bitstudios #starwardindustries #theinvincible
Favorite Games of Ludanarracon 2023
#indiedevshowcase #indies #1000xResist #AstronautTheBest #cryptmaster #DeadPetsUnleashed #demonschool #DoNotFeedTheMonkeys2099 #ForeverLost #HarmonyTheFallOfReverie #indie #KitsuneTheJourneyOfAdashino #LocoMotive #ludonarracon #roadwarden #SlayThePrincess #StrayGods #SuckerForLove #TamarindosFreakingDinner #TheInvincible #TheStarNamedEos #TimesGalaxy
#indiedevshowcase #indies #1000xresist #astronautthebest #cryptmaster #deadpetsunleashed #demonschool #donotfeedthemonkeys2099 #foreverlost #harmonythefallofreverie #indie #kitsunethejourneyofadashino #locomotive #ludonarracon #roadwarden #slaytheprincess #straygods #suckerforlove #tamarindosfreakingdinner #theinvincible #thestarnamedeos #timesgalaxy
Revelando los misterios de The Invincible: tras bambalinas de Chronicles Vol. 2 en un nuevo Diario de desarrollo
#Noticias #11BitStudios #3D #Adventure #Futuristic #Robots #Singleplayer #StarwardIndustries #TheInvincible
#noticias #11bitstudios #3d #adventure #futuristic #robots #singleplayer #starwardindustries #theinvincible
Anyone else played the demo of the Stanislaw Lem - based game #TheInvincible on #SteamDeck? I tried yesterday and couldn't get more that 10fps in the open areas which doesn't bode well for the full game, even if some serious optimisation takes place. GPU was pegged at 99% the whole time too, except in the menus.
The system requirements seem monstrous for the game displayed in the demo.
I didn't see many posts of the PC Gaming show last night but it had some good content. My favourite being #TheInvincible which has looked intriguing since it was first announced (It's coming to consoles too) https://youtu.be/sdyJr4iGJWs
「砂漠の惑星」を原作とするアドベンチャー「The Invincible」の最新トレイラー公開。Steam Nextフェスでは新たなデモを予定 https://www.4gamer.net/games/529/G052936/20230609071/
「The InvincibleのSteamストアページでは,序盤のシーンをプレイできるデモ版が公開されているが,開催予定のSteam Nextフェスでは新たなデモを公開するという。6月19日~26日という短い公開期間で,「Convoy」と呼ばれる未発表のミッションが収録するとのこと。購入を考えている人は,忘れずチェックしておこう。」
The Invincible, video gameplay di 16 minuti della versione PC del nuovo gioco di ex CD Projekt Red
#starwardindustries #theinvincible #video
I may have something to wish for #TheInvincible https://invinciblethegame.com/
#11BitStudios veröffentlichen mit #TheInvincible ein Spiel das teilweise auf dem gleichnamigen (absolut grandiosen) Roman von #StanislawLem basiert ❤️ Sieht bisher großartig aus! https://youtu.be/SFcutglW2C8
#11bitstudios #theinvincible #stanislawlem
I just remembered that it’s #IGNFanFest2023 tomorrow, and we’re getting more looks at #StarWarsJediSurvivor, #TheInvincible, and #Telltale’s #TheExpanse game, and now I’ve got something extra to see me through work
#ignfanfest2023 #starwarsjedisurvivor #theinvincible #telltale #theexpanse
Pěkná retro-futuristická hra The Invincible podle knihy Stanislawa Lema se připomíná novým trailerem, který nám přibližuje planetu Regis III. Hra je zajímavá mimo jiného i tím, že tu budeme používat analogové přístroje.
#TheInvincible #StarwardIndustries
#theinvincible #starwardindustries
News about the upcoming story game The Invincible, which takes us into a #sciencefiction movie of the 50s and 60s.
News zum kommenden Story-Game The Invincible, das uns in einen Science-Fiction-Filme der 50ger und 60ger entführt.
#sciencefiction #gamenews #theinvincible #games
Na wczorajszym rozdaniu #GoldenJoystickAwards pojawił się także polski smaczek w postaci nowego materiału z #TheInvincible, egranizacji książki #StanislawLem.
#GoldenJoystickAwards #theinvincible #stanislawlem #CDAction #gry #gaming #giereczkowo #niezwyciezony