Hé ! The Invisible Man sur Netflix était un super film !
Oh great, looks like Claude Rains is going streaking again …
#TCMParty #savetcm #forbiddenplanet #theinvisibleman
If any bored insomniacs see this, you're welcome to join me for a weird reading of the first 2 chapters of "The Invisible Man."
#latenightreading #insomniacswelcome #insomniacs #hgwells #literature #iRead #boredinsomniac #bored #theinvisibleman
#latenightreading #insomniacswelcome #insomniacs #hgwells #literature #iRead #boredinsomniac #bored #theinvisibleman
World premier- The Damned, The Invisible Man.
New album ‘Darkadelic’ out April 28th
#thedamned #newmusic #newsingle #newalbum #music #mastomusic #london #theinvisibleman
#thedamned #newmusic #newsingle #newalbum #music #mastomusic #london #theinvisibleman
Tomorrow, February 3rd, The Damned release a new single 'The Invisible Man', the first from their soon to be new album 'Darkadelic'.
The video will be premiered exclusively here: https://youtu.be/-iSbPP0siTk
#thedamned #darkadelic #theinvisibleman
On January 13, 1934 The Invisible Man debuted in Canada. Marking the occasion with some original Claude Rains fan art!
#TheInvisibleMan #ClaudeRains #UniversalMonsters #MonsterArt #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #Drawing #HorrorMovies #PrecodeFilm #Art #FanArt #SciFi #SciFiArt #MovieHistory
#theinvisibleman #clauderains #universalmonsters #monsterart #horrorart #scifiart #drawing #horrormovies #precodefilm #art #FanArt #scifi #moviehistory
RT @ActuMaxime@twitter.com
Découvrez la programmation de @TF1@twitter.com du 21/01 au 27/01 :
21/01 ↦ #NinjaWarrior
22/01 ↦ #TheInvisibleMan
23/01 ↦ #LycéeToulouseLautrec
24/01 ↦ #SWAT
05/01 ↦ #TheResident
26/01 ↦ #Balthazar
27/01 ↦ #Handball Championnat du monde masculin ou #LesTouristes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ActuMaxime/status/1610289950519345154
#ninjawarrior #theinvisibleman #lyceetoulouselautrec #swat #theresident #balthazar #handball #lestouristes
We love DEVO.
#DEVO #GeraldVCasale #TheInvisibleMan #Music #ArtRock #DangerousMinds #Interview
https://dangerousminds.net/comments/devos _gerald_v._casale_goes_mano_a_mano_with_the_invisible_man?utm_source=Dangerous+Minds+newsletter&utm_campaign=128021a20e-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ecada8d328-128021a20e-65954593
#devo #geraldvcasale #theinvisibleman #music #artrock #dangerousminds #interview
INVISIBLE DAD (1998) from director Fred Olin Ray, and starring Daran Norris (Veronica Mars/iZombie), Karen Black and Charles Dierkop is only $0.99 cents to purchase on Prime Video. The writing is bad, but I found this highly enjoyable.
Fred Olin Ray made 4 of these invisible parent movies.
Invisible Mom (1996)
Mom's Outta Sight (1998)
Invisible Mom II (1999)
#cosomovies #fredolinray #karenblack #darrannorris #charlesdierkop #invisibledad #invisibleman #theinvisibleman
#theinvisibleman #invisibleman #invisibledad #charlesdierkop #darrannorris #karenblack #fredolinray #Cosomovies
On December 5, 1934 The Invisible Man debuted in Slovenia. Marking the occasion with some original Claude Rains art to mark the occasion!
#TheInvisibleMan #TheInvisibleMan1933 #Horror #HorrorArt #UniversalMonsters #ClassicFilm #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory #Slovenia
#theinvisibleman #theinvisibleman1933 #horror #horrorart #universalmonsters #classicfilm #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory #slovenia
Мой рейтинг для:The Invisible Man (2020) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/movies/the-invisible-man-2020 #TheInvisibleMan #trakt
Мой рейтинг для:The Invisible Man (2020) ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/movies/the-invisible-man-2020 #TheInvisibleMan #trakt
Посмотрел: The Invisible Man (2020) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-invisible-man-2020 #TheInvisibleMan #trakt
@YayForThat @grryboy @LukeySixx
I am adding:
#TheBabysitterKillerQueen (2020)
#TheEmptyMan (2020)
#TheInvisibleMan (2020)
#RunSweetheartRun (2020)
#Underwater (2020)
#Nocturne (2020)
#NobodySleepsInTheWoodsTonight (2020)
#FollowMe (2020)
#TheSadness (2021)
#TheresSomeoneInsideYourHouse (2021)
#ThingsHeardAndSeen (2021)
#FearStreet (2021)
#Madres (2021)
#Fresh (2022)
#MrHarrigansPhone (2022)
#TexasChainsawMassacre (2022)
#thebabysitterkillerqueen #theemptyman #theinvisibleman #runsweetheartrun #underwater #nocturne #nobodysleepsinthewoodstonight #followme #thesadness #theressomeoneinsideyourhouse #thingsheardandseen #fearstreet #madres #fresh #mrharrigansphone #texaschainsawmassacre #horror #horrorfam #horrorcommunity
@pemdasi @LukeySixx @YayForThat @Stovesses @MevsMatze @aicannabis @dbattistella @MrAmaimon
To add to the 1930s here...
#Frankenstein (1931)
#BrideOfFrankenstein (1935)
#KingKong (1933)
#TheMummy (1932)
#TheInvisibleMan (1933)
#TheBlackCat (1934)
#TheMostDangerousGame (1932)
#TheCatAndtheCanary (1939)
#frankenstein #brideoffrankenstein #kingkong #themummy #theinvisibleman #theblackcat #themostdangerousgame #thecatandthecanary