Hmm. Stepping back a little, I also wonder if you're in fact skeptical of the whole field of metaphysics, and not just the offshoot characterized as theology, or theism, in particular—?
In which case: I have, admittedly, underestimated the implied scope of your question...though it has a prominent #Theists hashtag, thus maybe we both underestimated it.
Your thoughts, Mr. Capuder?
5 of 5
If personal revelations revealed #truth from a #god, then everyone's revelations would agree.
And even if the #revelation *was* accurate, how would you know? What method would you use to determine that the revelation actually came from a god and was true?
#theists #truth #god #revelation #atheist #faith
I simply don't believe your invisible friend is real. Why would I? Because of an ancient book of anonymous stories? Because indoctrinated people indoctrinated me as a child? None of it can convince a rational person that your extraordinary claims are true.
Please follow Matthew 6:5-6 and keep it to yourselves.
Faith is pretending to know things you don't know.
“Dear invisible friend, please perform magic for my benefit.” #WhatYouSoundLike
#theists #whatyousoundlike #atheist #faith
#Abrahamic #Theists:
Nowadays, if you said #God told you to kill your child, you'd be thought mentally ill. Why revere Abraham?
#abrahamic #theists #god #atheist #faith
Name one piece of knowledge about how the universe works that we’ve gained from either #religion or #philosophy in the last 400 years.
#theists #religion #philosophy #atheist #faith