The IT Crowd ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ #TheItCrowd #trakt
Been rewatching The IT Crowd again, so guess what's living rent-free in my head even more than usual.
Recently my brain has latched onto the idea that when Matt Barry's Douglas Denholm yells "FATHER!" in the IT Crowd S02E02 he may have been copying Clark yelling "FATHER!" in Superman II (Donner Cut).
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Maybe it's just a giant, funny, coincidence.
Or maybe yet again I'm dense and late to the party.
Light Googling doesn't turn up anyone else tying the two together, though.
#movies #tv #television #theitcrowd #superman
@wproof @Sagetisseur @sanji @IceCubesApp Did you shutdown and restart the computer? #theITCrowd 🫠
Elon Musk ist der Real Life Douglas Reynholm aber in unsexy. :blobcatfacepalm:
tenemos un poltergeist en casa. De repente “se va la luz”, pero todos los diferenciales están subidos, y en la escalera hay luz. Esto pasó hace un mes, llamamos a la distribuidora y nos dijeron que bajáramos y subiéramos los diferenciales (el clásico “have you tried switching it off and on again?” #TheITCrowd). Funcionó, y nos olvidamos del tema. Esta madrugada (a la 1h, @Savior1980 estaba viendo algo en la tele y yo sobada en el sofá) ha vuelto a pasar. Y a las 8:45h. Y a las 12:50h.
@1seidla also The IT Crowd ist nicht so wirklich fachbezogen aber es ist und bleibt in must have 😂🤘🏻
Oh hell yes, I love Richard Ayoade. Looking forward to playing this! #Fable #TheITCrowd #Gaming
The IT Crowd - Series 2 - Episode 3: Piracy warning
El 25 de Abril es el último día para poder ver #TheITCrowd en #Netflix, por si quieres pegarte una última maratón.
Vanaf maandag op Canvas (België 2, naar het schijnt:: The IT Crowd. Een Britse komische reeks van rond 2010 over een stel computernerds die in de kelder van een groot bedrijf de IT in orde moeten houden. Vanaf 19.35. Dit is het 1e seizoen. Het 2e seizoen dateert uit de tijd dat Windows Vista werd geïintroduceerd. #tv #canvas #theitcrowd #serie #komisch #brits
#tv #canvas #theitcrowd #serie #komisch #brits
My favourite #TV shows include:
#StarTrek #TheNextGeneration #DeepSpaceNine #Voyager #Enterprise #LowerDecks #StrageNewWorlds
#StarWars #CloneWars #Rebels #TheBadBatch
#followfriday #tv #startrek #thenextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #enterprise #lowerdecks #stragenewworlds #starwars #clonewars #rebels #thebadbatch #stargate #sg1 #atlantis #doctorwho #battlestargalactica #theorville #fringe #eureka #thegreatnorth #rick #americandad #bobsburgers #clarksonsfarm #thegrandtour #thegreatbritishbakeoff #faultytowers #thegreatindoors #foundation #mash #cornergas #theredgreenshow #babylon5 #birdgirl #blackadder #brooklyn99 #community #dadsarmy #dirkgently #disenchantment #futurama #thehairybikers #hisdarkmaterials #theitcrowd #miranda #mrsbownsboys #nightcourt #thesandman #somebodyfeedphill #spaced #thestrangecalls #thethinblueline #travelman #waitingforgod #wednesday #yesminister #yesprimeminister
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#itcouldwork #theitcrowd #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor