A couple days late, but always exciting to read about. Happy (belated) Public Domain Day for the US folks!
#publicdomain #sherlockholmes #thejazzsinger
Happy Public Domain Day: https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/01/01/public-domain-day-2023-opening-a-treasure-trove-of-art-science-and-literature/
I will be working on a transcription of Oil by Sinclair Lewis if anyone wants to join.
#wikimedia #wikisource #diff #lukasmezger #2023 #1927 #sherlockholmes #mariamontessori #svenhedin #nightofthemurderedpoets #metropolis #wings #thejazzsinger #freeculture #openculture #publicdomain
#wikimedia #wikisource #diff #lukasmezger #sherlockholmes #mariamontessori #svenhedin #nightofthemurderedpoets #metropolis #wings #thejazzsinger #freeculture #openculture #publicdomain
Da sind so tolle Sachen dabei, die endlich gemeinfrei sein werden❣️ #Metropolis #TheJazzSinger